wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: lolxd2
sb is laid...(loses job)off
sb dispenses...sth (gets rid of it)with
sb is given...recognition...sthin of
sb is subject...sth (suffers from sth unpleasant)to
sb is susceptible...sth (easily influenced or harmed)to
sth brings sth... (causes it to happen)about
sth comes... (happens as a result of sth else)about
sth develops...sth (changes over a period into that thing)into
sth is acceptable...you (satisfactory/suitable for you)to
sth is...disarray (very untidy)in
sth is set... ... (made distinct from the rest for a particular purpose)apart for
sth is true...terms...sth (true in connection with that thing)in of
sth is true...the sense that sth else is the casein
sth turns... ... be sth (shown later that it is that thing)out to
sth unpleasant sets... (starts happening)in
you are content...sth (satisfied or happy with it)with
you are or do sth...sympathy...sb else (sympathise with them)in with
you are resigned...doing sth (don't want to do it but have to)to
you aren't averse...sth/doing sth (aren't against it)to
you compromise...sbwith
you deter sb(...doing sth) (discourage from doing it)from
you do or think sth...the light... another thingin of
you do sth...randomat
you do sth...expectation...sth/sth happeningin of
you do sth...the belief that sth is the casein
you lose...(...sth) (loses in a situation)out on
you miss sth... (don't include it)out
you say sth...certaintywith
you see...sth/doing sth (consider it carefully)about
you set... doing sth (dealing with a difficult task)about
you set... ...do sth (particular intention)out to
you set...sth such as an organisationup
you take sth... (remove)away
...fairness...sb = being fair to themin to
the way you go...sth/doing sth is the way that you approach the taskabout
to do justice...sb = to treat or talk about sb in a way that is fair to themto