= | equality |
x=y (2) | x is equal to y, x and y represent the same thing or value |
< lub > | strict inequality |
x < y | x is less than y |
x > y | x is greater than y |
<< lub >> | very strict inequality |
x << y | x is much less than y |
x =< y | x is less than or equal to y |
x proporcjonalny do y | x is proportional to y |
proporcjonalnosc | proportionality |
dodawanie | addition |
rozłaczna suma zbiorow | disjoint union |
.. is rozlaczna suma zbiorow A i B | is disjoint union of sets A and B |
odejmowanie | subtraction |
mnożenie | multiplication |
product kartezjanski ... i ... | Cartesian product of ... and |
złożenie | convolution |
f zlozone z g | convolution of f and g |
stazenie zespolone z | complex conjugate of |
iloczyn tensorowy | tensor product |
dzielenie | division |
grupa ilorazowa | quotient group |
pierwiastek kwadratowy | square root |
wektor jednostkowy, wersor | unit vector |
wartosc bezwzgledna, modul | absolute value, modulus |
dlugosc wektora euklidesowa | Euclidean length or magniture of vector |
wyzncznik macierzy | determinant of matrix |
moc zbioru | cardinality od set |
||x|| | the nearest integer to x |
! | factorial |
rozkład prawdopodobieństwa | probability distribution |
jest w przyblizeniu rowny | is approximately equal to |
izomorfizm | isomorphic |
liczby naturalne | natural numbers |
nieskonczonosc | infinity |
suma od .. do .. z | sum over from .. to .. of |