wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Unit 13 Voc,
autor: Astro
imaginativetwórczy, pełen wyobraźni, pomysłowy
generousszczodry, hojny, wielkoduszny
quick-temperedłatwo wpadajacy w gniew
opportunisticusing situations for own benefit
methodicalsystematic, careful
chauvinistictoo patriotic
sensitiveczuły, wrażliwy
tend to get carried awaybeecome too excited and lose control
affectionateshowing caring feelings and love for sb
obligingready to help
gallantpolite to women
superficialnot carring about serious things
giftedhaving a lot of natural ability or intelligence
sagaciousshowing good judgement and understanding
intuitiveobtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts
stingynot generous
inclined to procrastinatedelay doing something
diligentshowing care and effort in your work or duties
placidnot easily excited or irritated
plagued by worryznękany zmartwieniamy
wittyable to say or write clever, amusing things
magnetic personalitypersonality that attracts people to you
to be self-seekingwanting to gain advantage on yourself
industriousworking hard; busy
shrewdclever at understanding and making judgements about a situation
decisiveable to decide sth quickly and with confidence:
flashyattracting attention by wearing expensive clothes, etc.
down-to-earthpractical and realistic
sharp-tonguedinclined to speak in a severe and critical way
a fault findercritical person
naivewithout enough experience of life trusting to easily
downfallcause of destruction
unstintinggiven or giving generously
doggedshowing determination; not giving up easily on animal way ;p
resolutehaving or showing great determination, solving problems easily
thriftycareful about spending money and not wasting things
frugalusing only as much money or food as is necessary
immoderateextreme; not reasonable
mulishunwilling to change your mind or attitude or to do what other people want you to do
parsimoniousextremely unwilling to spend money
work-obsessedo completely fill your mind about work so that you cannot think of anything else
astutevery clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advan
pithypełen wigoru
slyacting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people
sullenbad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your charact
terseusing few words and often not seeming polite or friendly
unprincipledbez zasad, skrupułów
obligingvery willing to help
low-browhaving no connection with or interest in serious artistic or cultural ideas