wordki.pl - nauka słówek
talking about yourself
autor: woojciechc
opportunisticusing situation for own benefit
conservativethe opposite of 'liberal'
methodicalsystematic, careful
chauvinistictoo patriotic
conscientiouspainstaking, careful, thorough
carried-awaytoo excited and lose control
obligingready to help
gallant(of men) polite to woman
superficialnot carrying about serious issues, shallow
tactlesstend to do faux pas
intuitiveunderstanding instinctively
to proctrastinateto postpone your duties in order to be lazy
diligenthard-working, industrious
placidcalm, controling emotions
plagued bytroubled by, distressed by
self-seekingwanting to gain advantage for oneself
shrewdhaving good judgement
flashyexpensive, impressive
altruisticthinking of others rather than oneself
morosegloomy, pesimistic
sharp-tonguedinclined to speak in a severe and critical way
fault-findera critical person
downfallcause of destruction
astutevery perceptive, wise
doggedpersited in effort
mulishvery stubborn (neg. conotation)
frugaleconomical in use or spending
stingymean (about spending money)
slysneaky, mischievous
sullenshowing irritation or anger
pithybrief, forceful and to the point
broad-mindedbeing open to different views or cultures
unprincipledlacking moral, basic principles