wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Kolokwium 2
autor: Fisza92
to sign on a dotted lineto finalize a transaction
overall strategycomprehensive strategy
To put oneself in somebody’s shoesto put yourself in somebody's position
coherentlogical, consistent
to establish and maintain a global presenceto set up and keep the worldwide recognition
to enter into strategic alliancesto collaborate with
alliancesunion, liason
to resonateto be well understood
to pursue a strategyto apply a strategy
dilutionlittle impact
to be deviatedto be twisted, changed
positioningcertain identity to give to a product
to repositionto change the positioning
Marketing savvysomeone who knows a lot about the marketing
to walk the walkto show that sth is true through action; follow up on what one has promised.
to walk the talkto do what someone has said
To create buzzto create world of mouth
Chief of the Polish Financial Supervision Authorityprezes Komisji Nadzoru Bankowego
currency conversionprzewalutowanie
Swiss franc debtorsFrankowicze
joint proporsalWspólna propozycja
the Headszef
thoughtful decisionprzemyślana decyzja
to implementzaimplementować
rata kredytuThe borrowing rate
mortgage bankbank hipoteczny
To facilitatewystawienie, to make sth easier or less difficult, help forward
Lifestyle Management SolutionLMS (rozwiazanie)
covetdesire (esp.wrongly desire), wish
intentzamiar, desire, target
premium pricinghigh pricing
peerfriend, associate
to fostersprzyjać, popierać, to promote the growth
Product, Price, Promotion, Packaging4 P! (promotion)
1 Market Leader, 2 Market Follower, 3 Market challenger, 4 Market Nichercompetitive strategies positions
Demographic, Geographic, PsychograficMarket segmentation - ways to segment customers
Introduction, Growth, Maturity, DeclineProduct lifecycle
Brand awareness (recognition), brand preference, brand insistence3 stages of brand loyality
Advertising, Sales promotions, personal selling, PR4 main types of promotional activity
to account forodpowiadac za coś
to be characterized bycharakteryzować się czyms
to argue aboutklocic sie o coś
importance ofwaznosc ..czegos
to comment onskomentowac cos
to defend againstbronic sie przed czyms
to divide intopodzielić
minimum and maximum level of installments valuedolnego i górnego poziomu wysokości raty kredytowej
Restructuring processrestrukturyzacja
Corporate boardroomswładze
to break through the glass ceilingprzebijać się do władz
Economic recession, economic crisis, slump, downturnkryzys ekonomiczny
In top management positionpozycje top zarzadzajace
Polish Bank AssociationZwiązek Banków Polskich
tamper-proof packagingzabezpieczony, zaplombowane opakowanie
public apologypubliczne przeprosiny
refuse and take the contractodmówić i przyjąć kontrakt
charge a feepobrac oplate
canardkaczka dziennikarska
a severance packageodprawa
to shut off access to sthodciac dostep do czegos
stock optionsopcje na akcje
risk managementzarzadzanie ryzykiem
to be let goto be fired
to be alivedto vbe fired
volatility levelslevels of risk
Value at RiskVaR
Mortgage Backed Securitiesderywatywy kredytowe oparte na kredytach hipotecznych
2 grad2 thousand
a pep talka motivation talk
market capitalisation of the companythe company;s full current market value
to clear sth from the company booksto use creative accounting to hide unfavourable information
to hide sth under the rugzamiatac pod dywan
to be exposedto run high risk
to sugercoat thingsti naje things better than they are
to liquidate the eintire position (to unwind total holdings)to sell all assets in a given class
a bag of odorous excrementstoxic assets (with no value)
a fire saleblyskawiczna wyprzedaż
fat catswinners
starving dogslosers
the ground is shifting under our feetthe position is very uncertain
turmoil in the marketa catastrophy, chaos