view sb\sth as sth (In all three countries he is viewed as a terrorist) | have a particular opinion about sb or sth (->esteem)\look at sth,especially carefully\watch TV,a fil | |
revert to sth\doing sth (->reverse) (For a while I ate low-fat food but then I reverted to my old ea | to return to a former state; to start doing sth again that you used to do in the past | |
instil sth (in\into sb) (to insitil confidence\discipline\fear)(He's a manager with great skill at i | wpajać,wzbudzac(np.szacunek,dumę)(to gradually make sb feel,think or behave in a particular way ov | |
propagate | szerzyć, propagować \ rozmnażać (rośliny), rozsadzać, rozsiewać | |
(to put\place\lay) emphasis (on\upon sth) | nacisk, szczególna uwaga (=(lay) stress (on sth)) | |
referral (to sb\sth) | skierowanie (the act) | |
referable (to sth) (These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites) | that can be related to sth else | |
referee \ umpire | sedzia ( w pilce noznej) \ sedzia ( w tenisie) | |
relevance (to sth\sb) (This point has no relevance to the discussion) | znaczenie, istotność | |
self-satisfaction \ availability | samozadowolenie \ dostępność, osiągalność, dyspozycyjność | |
(keep sth) under lock and key (I tend to keep medicines under lock and key because of the kids) | pod kluczem, dobrze zamknięty | |
amplify (a guitar\a sygnal\an eletric current)(That comment needs some amplification)(->amplificatio | to increase sth in strength, especially sound \ to add details to a story, statement etc. | |
expand (We are hoping to expand our range of products) | rozwijać (się), powiększać (się) (to become or make sth greater in size, number or importance) | |
inflate (The media have grossly inflated the significance of this meeting) | increase the prize of sth; to increase in prize\ make sth appear to be more important or impressive | |
inhale sth (<->exhale) \ the mass media | to breathe in sth \ środki masowego przekazu | |
incorporate sth (in\into\within sth) (We incorporated all the latest safety features into the new ca | właczac (to include something as part of another thing) \ to create a legally recognised company | |
arouse (one's interest\anger\curiosity\suspicion) | wzbudzać, rozbudzać (np. zainteresowanie, złośc, ciekawość, podejrzliwość) | |
magnify (The cells are first magnified under a microscope) | enlarge \ wyolbrzymiać (-exaggerate) | |
erudite (She was a well-respected and erudite scholar) \ erudition | having or showing great knowledge that is gained from academic study \ great academic knowledge | |
spontaneity \ spontaneous \\ guerilla | spontaniczność \ spontaniczny \\ partyzant | |
question sth (He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault) | to have or express doubts or suspicions about sth | |
(to plant) geranium \ freezing (point) (It was five degrees below\above freezing) \ freeze | (sadzić) pelargonie \\ zero stopni \ temperatura zamarzania \\ mrozy | |
potable (water) \\ give sb\get a round of applause | pitny, zdatny do picia (o płynie) \\ dać komuś\otrzymać duze brawa, oklaski | |
suspension | zawieszenie (np. ucznia, pracownika, zawodnika) \ zawieszenie (wstrzymanie wykonania wyroku, działa | |
obligatory (for sb)(to do sth)(=compulsory=mandatory<->optional-voluntary) | obowiązkowy, przymusowy | |
knock on\at the door \\ modernise (=update) (->modernisation) | pukać do drzwi \ unowocześniać, modernizować | |
orbit \ orbital (The moon orbits the Earth) \\ place reliance on sb\sth | orbita \ okrazać \\ orbitalny \\ polegać na kimś\czyms, ufać komuś\czemuś | |
casino \\ work round the clock \\ send sth by post\mail | kasyno \\ pracowac bez przerwy \\ wysłać coś pocztą | |
residence \ take up residence (He took up residence in St. Louis) | rezydencja \ miejsce zamieszkania \\ zamieszkać | |
with pleasure \\ in other words \ to put it another way | z przyjemnością \\ innymi słowy | |
bill \ regatta \ chancellor | projekt ustawy \ regaty (wyścigi łodzi, jachtów) \\ kanclerz \ minister finansów | |
department store \ courteous | dom towarowy \ uprzejmy | |
step down (He stepped down as manager of the Italian team) | ustępować (z waznego stanowiska) na korzyść kogoś innego | |
at the lake \ banquet \ rebellion | nad jeziorem \ bankiet, przyjęcie \ bunt, powstanie | |
storehouse \ commerce | magazyn, składnica (towarów) \ a trade, especially between countries | |
attraction \ unconvincing \ steroid \ gratefulness | pociąg \ nieprzekonujący \ steryd \ wdzięczność | |
honour (She was honoured with an Oscar\He was honoured for his bravery) \ dishonour | uhonorować, nagradzać \\ hańbić \ hańba | |
withdrawal | wypłata (gotówki z banku)\ odwołanie,wycofanie,cofnięcie (np.decyzji,wsparcia)\wycofanie się,re | |
intervene (in sth) \ intolerable | interweniować \ nieznośny, niedopuszczalny, nie do przyjęcia | |
charity (A percentage of the company's profits go to charity) | organizacja charytatywna \ jałmużna, zapomoga \ wyrozumiałość,życzliwość,miłosierdzie (wobe | |
metre \ castaway \ penetrate | metr \ rozbitek \ przenikać, penetrować, przebijać się, przedzierać, przedostawać się | |
think sth through \ think sth over | to consider a problem or a possible course of action fully\ to consider sth carefully,especially bef | |
cover sth up (She tried to cover up her mistakes) \ cover-up | zatuszować coś \ zasłaniać coś (to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen)\\ zatuszowan | |
in your teens \ be down in the dumps | w wieku nastoletnim \ mieć depresję, mieć chandrę, być w dołku | |
brush up on sth (=brush sth up) (I'm trying to brush up on my French before I go to Paris) | podszkolić coś | |
boil down to sth (What it all boils down to is a lack of communication) | (of a situation, problem etc.)to have sth as a main of basic part (sprowadzać się do czegoś) | |
rule sth out (=exclude) | wykluczać coś,odrzucać coś,wykluczyć możliwość czegoś(to state that sth isn't possible or s | |
cut up (He was very cut up when his brother died) | to cut sth into pieces \ przygnębiony, przybity | |
ease off\up \\ freshen (myself) up | przechodzić, słabnąć, zmniejszyć się (np. o deszczu) \\ odswiezyc się | |
give of sth \\ lose face | oddać coś,oferować coś (np.swój czas,swoje zaangażowanie,pieniądze)\\ stracić twarz (skompro | |
remembrance (->in remembrance of sb\sth) (They erected a statue in remembrance of him\He smiled at t | cześć (oddana komuś),pamięć\ wspomnienie (np.z dzieciństwa)\ pamiątka (przypominająca kogoś | |
recollection (=memory) \ to the best of my recollection (I have no recollection of meeting her bef | przypomnienie, pamięć \ wspomnienie (np. z dzieciństwa)\\ o ile dobrze pamiętam | |
fictional \ artificial (smile) \ unwelcome | fikcyjny \ not sincere (sztuczny) (np. usmiech, emocje) \ not wanted | |
throw\cast\shed light on sth (Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease) | sth or sb that...on a situation provides an explanation for it or information that makes it easier t | |
scrap (I've read every scrap of information I can find on the subject) | świstek (papieru), strzęp (materiału), wycinek (z gazety)\ a small amount of sth | |
be in sb's good\bad books (I'm in her goof books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen) | if you are in ..., they are pleased with you, and if you are ..., they are angry with you | |
military junta \ democratic | a military government that has taken power in a country by force \ demokratyczny | |
I don't see a point of doing sth. \ What's the point of doing sth? | Nie widzę sensu robienia czegoś. \ Jaki to ma sens? | |
at all hours (Feel free to come to us at all hours if you need our advice) | o kazdej porze | |
termination (His contract has been terminated) (->terminate) | zakończenie, koniec (np. rozmowy, działań) \ aborcja (=abortion) | |
coincide (with sth) (The band's American tour coincided with the release of their second album) | zbiegać się w czasie \ pokrywać się, być zbieżnym (np. opinie, pomysły) \ zbiegać się (np. | |
try your luck (at sth) \ fighter (plane) | próbować swojego szczęścia (w czymś) \\ bojownik \ myśliwiec, samolot myśliwski | |
venture (into\outr\ouside) (They ventured nervously into the water\I ventured to suggest that she mi | o go sw even though you know that it might be dangerous or unpleasant\ to say or do sth in a careful | |
challenge (sb to sth\to do sth) (He challenged Smith to a fight) | podważać,kwestionować (np.autorytet,reputację)\ rzucać wyzwanie,wyzwać (na pojedynek sportowy, | |
note \ note sth down (It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted) | zauważać, zwracać uwagę na \ to mention sth because it is important or interesting \\ jot sth do | |
instruct sb (in sth) (All our staff have been instructed in sign language) | o teach somebody something, especially a practical skill | |
interpret | tłumaczyć ustnie \ interpretować, rozumieć jako (np. czyjeś słowa) | |
thereafter (She married at 17 and gave birth to her first child shortly thereafter) | później, następnie, od tego czasu (after the time or event mentioned) | |
whereupon (We decided to have a picnic, whereupon it started to rain\He told her she was a liar, whe | po czym (and then; as a result of this) | |
tv set\television set \\ slip (->slip of the toungue) | telewizor \ poślizgnąć się | |
be lost on sb (His jokes were completely lost on most of the students) | to be not understood or ignored by sb | |
relation between A and B (np. the relation between smoking and lung cancer) | a connection between two or more things | |
preferable (to sth\to do sth\to doing sth) (Staying at home is preferable to going out with someone | better or more suitable | |
mean to do sth \ back out of sth (The buyer backed out of the deal the day before they were due to s | zamierzać coś zrobić \ wycofywać się z czegoś | |
climber \ mountaineer \ mountaineering (->to go mountaineering) | wspinacz, alpinista \ a person who climbs mountains as a sport \ alpinistyka, wspinaczka górska | |
take sth to pieces (->take sth apart) \ do sth of one's own free will | rozebrać coś na części \ zrobic coś z własnej woli | |
play into sb's hands (If we get the police involved, we'll be playing right into the protesters' han | to do exactly what an enemy, opponent, etc. wants so that they gain the advantage in a particular si | |
formula (for sth\doing sth) (There's no magic formula for success) | wzór (matematyczny) \ receptura, skład \ sposob, recepta (a particular method of doing or achievin | |
affect sb \ confectionery \ dental floss | atakować (o chorobie) \ słodycze, wyroby cukiernicze \ nić dentystyczna | |
caries \ from top to bottom ('ve searched the house from top to bottom and still can't find it) | próchnica zebów \ dokładnie, wszędzie, w kazdym miejscu czegos (np. sprzątać, szukać) | |
have a change of heart \ inn \ as light as a feather | zmienić zdanie \ gospoda, zajazd \ lekki jak piórko | |
out of date (This ticket is out of date) (->fashionable) \ | no longer valid | |
can take a joke \\ follow sb's advice | mieć poczucie humoru, znać się na żartach \ posłuchać czyjejś rady | |
stray from sth (I suddenly realized that I had strayed far from the village) | zbaczać, zabłądzić (np. z głownej drogi) \ zbaczać z tematu | |
make your way to\towards sw (Will you be able to make your own way to the airport?) | to move or get somewhere | |
reading room \ be beyond all reason (The price he has put for his car is beyond all reason) | czytelnia \ nie mieścić się w głowie | |
dilapidated \ synthetic \ cellulose | podupadły, walący się, zniszczony \ man-made \ celuloza | |
durable (->durability) \\ gain\lose ground | trwały, wytrzymały \\ zyskiwać\tracić na popularności | |
antiquated \ conspicuous (<->inconspicuous) | przestarzały (=outdated) \ widoczny, rzucający się w oczy, zwracający uwagę | |
manifold (Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader) | many and of many different types (rozmaity, różnorodny, wielokrotny) | |
unimaginable \ favour (These are the running shoes favoured by marathon runners) | niewyobrażalny, nie do pomyślenia \ upodobać sobie, preferować, wolec | |
merchandise (We stock a broad range of merchandise) \ | towar, towary | |
resistant (to sth) (They're resistant to change) \\ mechanical engineering | odporny, wytrzymały \ oporny \\ budowa maszyn | |
thermal insulation \ degradation (->degrade) | termoizolacja \\ poniżenie, upodlenie \ degradacja (fizyczna, umysłowa), pogorszenie się (stanu c | |
environment-friendly \\ motor | environmentally friendly \\ silnik \ motoryka | |
mastery of sth \\ of\over sth\sb (She has mastery of several languages\The two countries battled for | biegłość w czymś \ panowanie, władza, kontrola | |
caller \\ soft drink | osoba dzwoniąca \ gość, odwiedzający \\ non-alcoholic drink | |
look in (on sb) (Why don't you look in on me next time you're in town?) | to make a short visit to a place, especially somebody’s house when they are ill\sick or need help | |
make much of sth (Don’t make too much of the test results) | to attach a lot of importance to sth | |
beyond recall \ beyond sb's recall (The caller's identity was beyond Alice's recall\The paintings we | impossible to bring back to the original state \ impossible to remember | |
Would you care for sth\to do sth? (Would you care for a drink?\Would you care to join us for dinner? | Czy miałby Pan ochotę na ...? | |
leave much to be desired \ sincerity | pozostawiać wiele do życzenia \ szczerość | |
misuse | to use sth in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose | |
knob \ deactivate \ account | gałka,pokrętło (do sterowania jakimś urządzeniem)\ dezaktywować,wyłączać\ relacja,sprawozda | |
deficit \\ vacuum cleaner | deficyt (brak pieniędzy w budżecie) \ niedobór (np. witamin) \\ odkurzacz | |
costly (failure\mistake) (Mining can be costly in terms of lives) | drogocenny \ causing problems or the loss of sth | |
imaginary \\ hesitant (about sth) (->hesitancy) (She was hesitant about returning to her home town) | zmyślony, wymyslony, wyimaginowany \\ niepewny, niezdecydowany, wahający się | |
stand trial (for sth) \\ daring | stanąć przed sądem \\ śmiały, odważny | |
win a seat (in parliament) \ defend your Master's thesis \ give sb a loan | wygrać mandat (w wyborach) \ obronić pracę magisterską \ udzielic komus pozyczki (np. osoba) | |
pay by\in instalment | placic w ratach | |