diversion (John created a diversion while the rest of us escaped) | objazd \ rozrywka \ odwrócenie uwagi, zmyłka | |
distraction (The phone calls were a constant distraction) | rozproszenie uwagi, zakłócenie spokoju | |
call sb \ exploratory (expedition\operation\surgery) | dzwonić do kogoś \ badawczy, poszukiwawczy, rozpoznawczy, odkrywczy | |
explanatory \\ explanatory notes (There are explanatory notes at the back of the book) | wyjaśniający, objaśniający \ objaśnienia | |
hypothesis \\ fill out\in sth (->to fill in a form\questionnaire) | hipoteza \\ wypełniać coś (np. formularz, ankiete) | |
sample sth (np. an opportunity to sample the local night life) | taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you like it\ experience a place or an activity fo | |
sample sth (12% of the children sampled said they prefer cats to dogs) | to test, question part of sth or of a group of people in order to find out what the rest is like | |
sample (The interviews were given to a random sample of students) | grupa ludzi (wybrana np. do przeprowadzenia ankiety) | |
expense (->at the expense of sb\sth) \ census | wydatek (->expenditure) \ spis ludnosci | |
\\ respresentative of sb\sth (Are his views representative of the rest of the department?)(->sales r | typical of a particular group of people (typowy, reprezentatywny) | |
surveyor (np. the surveyor of public works) | an official whose job is to check that sth is accurate,of good quality,etc.\ geodeta,mierniczy\ insp | |
population distribution \ electoral \ mining | rozmieszczenie ludności \ wyborczy \ górnictwo | |
baseline (The figures for 2014 were used as a baseline for the study) | punkt odniesienia (a line or measurement that is used as a starting point when comparing facts) | |
uncut (np. the original, uncut version of a film) | (of a book,film\movie)left in its complete form;without any parts removed;not censored\ (of a precio | |
mine for sth\sth (for sth) (He made his fortune mining for gold and diamonds) | kopać, wydobywać, eksploatować | |
weigh in (Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below the limit) | to have your weight measured, especially before a contest, race, etc. | |
hue \\ shade (of sth) (We sat down in the shade of the wall) \ | odcien (=tint\shade) \\ cień (miejsce, gdzie jest cień) \ cień (kształt rzucany przez coś) | |
impurity (->impure) \ crystal structure | zanieczyszczenie \ nieczystość, stan nieczystości (<->purity) \ struktura kryształu | |
nitrogen \ yellowish \ brownish | azot (pierwiastek) \ żółtawy (np. zęby) \ brązowawy, brunatnaw | |
tinge (Her dark hair is now tinged with grey\ "Goodbye," he said, with a tinge of sadness) | a small amount of a colour,feeling or quality (zabarwienie, lekki odcień\ domieszka, nuta (np.żalu | |
drastic \ boron \ record-breaking | drastyczny (np. zmiana, efekt, redukcja) \ bor (pierwiastek) \ rekordowy | |
adorn sth\sb\yourself (with sth) (The walls were adorned with paintings) | dekorować, przyozdabiać, upiększać, przystrajać | |
crown \\ sceptre | korona \ szczyt, wierzchołek (np. góry, czapki, głowy) \\ berło (królewskie) | |
rough diamond (<->polished diamond) \\ the crown jewels | nieoszlifowany diament \ klejnoty koronne (noszone przez króla lub królową) | |
premier (np. one of the country’s premier chefs( | główny, najważniejszy, czołowy (most important, famous or successful) | |
fabled (->legendary) \ unearth (=dig sth up) (Reporters unearthed evidence of criminal activity) | sławny, legendarny \\ to find sth in the ground by digging\ wydobywać (na światło dzienne), ujaw | |
flawless \ chief executive (officer) (CEO) | nieskazitelny \ dyrektor generalny, dyrektor naczelny | |
in the margin (->to win by a narrow\wide margin) (He took third place by a margin of seven minutes) | na marginesie \ the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which sb wins sth | |
at an auction \ bidding war (British distributors are currently involved in a bidding war for the mo | na licytacji \ ostra licytacja | |
analyst \ housekeeper | analityk (o osobie) \ gosposia, osoba zatrudniona do prowadzenia domu | |
pay sb a compliment \ wish sb sth | powiedzieć komuś komplement \ życzyć komuś czegoś | |
not be on speaking terms (with sb) \ bitterness (->bitter about sth) | nie rozmawiać z sobą \ gorycz, rozgoryczenie | |
pretty \\ pretty much\well (One dog looks pretty much like another to me\We've pretty much finished | całkiem, dosyć, raczej \ almost; almost completely | |
reckon \ reckon to do sth (His fortune is reckoned at $5 million\He wasn’t reckoning to pay so muc | myslec, sądzic \ to calculate an amount, a number, etc. \\ to expect to do sth | |
thoughtful \ uncooked (=raw) | zadumany, zamyślony (o osobie) \ nieugotowany | |
put sth away | to put sth in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it\to save money to spend l | |
start sth up | zacząć, otworzyć\powstawac (interes, nowy biznes, organizacja) \\ ruszyć\uruchomić (np. o silni | |
slip away\out of\through | wyślizgnąć się, wymykac (skądś), przeslizgnąc sie, przemknąc | |
suspect sb\sth of sth \\ unlocked | podejrzewać kogoś\coś o coś \\ otwarty, odblokowany | |
all the better\easier\more exciting (The journey was all the more dangerous because of the bad weath | dużo lepszy\łatwiejszy\ciekawszy | |
laugh at\about sth (You never laugh at my jokes!) \\ cabbage \\ lettuce | smiać się z czegoś \ kapusta \ sałata | |
roast pork\beef \\ roast chicken \\ meatballs \\ pork ribs | pieczen wołowa\wieprzowa \\ pieczony kurczak \\ klopsiki, pulpety \\ zeberka wieprzowe | |
turnip \\ raisin\currant | rzepa \ rodzynka | |
unappetising \\ odour | nieapetyczny \\ zapach, woń, odór (a smell, especially one that is unpleasant) | |
go across the street at the lights \ pepper | przejść przez ulicę na światłach \ pieprzyć, doprawiać pieprzem | |
gruff \\ thump \ thump sb (=punch sb) | opryskliwy, szorstki (głos\zachowanie)\\ (of a heart) to beat strongly \ walnąć kogoś (za pomoc� | |
stammer | jąkanie (się), zacinanie (się) \ jąkać (się), dukać (coś), zacinać (się) | |
it's a wonder (that) (It's a wonder he's still alive) \ make the first move | to cud, ze \ zrobić pierwszy krok (for example in order to end an argument) | |
reconcile sth with sth\ be reconciled with sb\ reconcile yourself to sth (It was hard to reconcile h | pogodzic coś z czymś \ pogodzić się z kimś \ resign yourself to sth | |
joyful \ makeover \ attempt sth (The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed) | uradowany,szczęśliwy, radosny \\ całkowita odmiana wyglądu\wnętrza \\ próbować czegoś | |
in itself (You've managed to complete the course - that in itself is an achievement) | samo w sobie | |
doom \ doomed (to sth) (The plan was doomed to failure\The marriage was doomed from the start) | fatum (death or destruction;any terrible event that you cannot avoid) \ skazany (na klęskę, niepow | |
essentially\fundamentally \\ ask sth of sb | basically \\ ask sb for sth | |
set your sights on sth\doing sth (She's set her sights on becoming an actress) | postawić sobie coś za cel | |
abseil (down, off, etc. sth) (verb\noun) (->abselier\abseiling) | go down a steep cliff or rock while attached to a rope,pushing against the slope or rock with your f | |
war on\against sb\sth (The government has declared war on drug dealers) | a fight or an effort over a long period of time to get rid of or stop sth bad or illegal | |
litter \ at (the) most (There were 50 people there, at the very most) | śmieci, odpadki (wyrzucane w parkach, na ulicach, itp.) \ co najwyżej | |
hilly \ clean (sb\sth) up (We have to clean up before we leave) | pagórkowaty (np. krajobraz, region) \\ posprzątać, umyć kogoś\coś\się | |
(safety) harness | uprząż (dla konia) \ uprząż (do wspinaczki), szelki, pas bezpieczeństwa | |
bear\keep sb\sth in mind \\ bear\keep in mind that (I'll keep you in mind if another job comes up) | pamiętać o kimś\czymś | |
build up (All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress\Traffic usually builds | to become greater, more powerful or larger in number (wzmacniać się, nasilać się\ nagromadzić s | |
rocky \ gain access to sth | skalisty \ uzyskać dostęp do czegoś | |
faint \\ faint-hearted | that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt \ osłabiony, słaby (o osobie) \\ cowardly | |
in the course of doing sth | w trakcie robienia czegoś | |
phobia (about sth) (He has a phobia about flying\birds) \ psyche | fobia, chorobliwy lęk \ psychika | |
botanist \ botany \ chemist | botanik \ botanika \ chemik | |
fight off sth\sb (The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off\Her body couldn’t | to resist sth\sb by fighting against them\it | |
quest (for sth) (for knowledge\happiness\truth) (He set off in quest of adventure) | a long search for sth,especially for some quality such as happiness\to search for sth that is diffic | |
exoplanet | a planet of a star that is outside the solar system | |
pastime (=occupation) \ poppy | rozrywka, hobby, zajęcie \ mak | |
content yourself with sth \ content sb (Since it rained we had to content ourselves with playing car | zadowolić się czymś \ zadowolic kogoś | |
arrival (The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats) | a person or thing that comes to a place | |
abusive \ vastness | znieważający, obelżywy \ bezkres, bezmiar, ogrom | |
free sb (from sth)\\free sb of\from sth (Firefighters worked for two hours to free the driver from t | uwalniać (np. z wiezienia) \ wyswobodzić \\ uwalniać (np. od cierpienia, przestępczosci, zmartwi | |
detain sb (I'm sorry—he'll be late. He's been detained at a meeting) | trzymać (w areszcie), zatrzymywać (gdzieś tymczasowo) \ opóźniać (kogoś), zatrzymywać (kogo� | |
unused (to sth\doing sth) \ spot (She soon spotted the mistake) | nieużywany \ nieprzyzwyczajony \\ dostrzec, zauważyć (zobaczyć coś, co jest trudne do zauważen | |
go along (I might go along to the party after work) | pójść, przyjść (aby wziąć w czymś udział) | |
job description \ installation | zakres obowiązków \\ montaż \ instalacja (programu komputerowego) | |
light sth up (His eyes lit up when you mentioned her name) | zapalać papierosa\ rozświetlać coś,rozjaśniać coś\\ if sb’s eyes or face light up,or sth li | |
memorable \ observatory \ planetarium | niezapomniany, pamietny \ obserwatorium \ planetarium | |
give sth up (I gave up my weekend to help him paint his apartment) | to spend time on a task that you would normally spend on sth else | |
work sb out \ work sth out (II-solve) (I've worked out a new way of doing it) | o understand sb’s character\\ obliczać coś,wyliczać coś \to find the answer to sth\ obmyślać | |
scary \ step by step | frightening \ krok po kroku | |
gruesome | very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury | |
spooky (-creepy) \ publicity | strange and frightening \ reklama, rozgłos | |
senior executive\manager \\ disruptive | członek ścisłego kierownictwa \\ zakłócający spokój | |
(business) associate | a person that you work with, do business with or spend a lot of time with | |
expulsion (from...) (Troops are engaged in the expulsion of enemy forces from the area) | wyrzucenie\ wydalenie,usunięcie(ucznia ze szkoły,osoby z organizacji)\ wypuszczenie(np.gazu,cieczy | |
quality \ angle (->angel) | cecha charakteru (zwłaszcza dobra) \\ kąt (pomiędzy czymś a czymś) \ punkt widzenia | |
gain experience \ mismanagement (->mismanage) (He accused the government of mismanaging the crisis) | zdobyć doświadczenie \ niegospodarność, złe kierownictwo, złe zarządzanie | |
financial ruin (The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin)\ coax sb (into doing st | ruina finansowa \ to persuade sb to do sth by talking to them in a kind and gentle way | |
get around\round sb | przekonać kogoś, zjednać sobie kogoś, przekabacić kogos | |
get by on sth (How does she get by on such a small salary?) | przetrwać, dać sobie radę | |
be none of sb's business | to nie czyjaś sprawa | |
business is business (It would have been nice to sell the company to friends, but business is busine | biznes to biznes (zysk finansowy jest najważniejszą sprawą, jaką należy mieć na uwadze i uczuc | |
get down to business (Let’s get down to business right away—we’ll stop for coffee later) | to start dealing with the matter that needs to be dealt with, or doing the work that needs to be don | |
be way\two months behind with sth | mieć duże\2-miesieczne opóźnienie w czymś (np. z wypracowaniem w szkole) | |
take shape (We watched the vase begin to take shape in the potter's hands) | (of plans, writing, ideas etc.) to start to develop a more clear or certain form (nabierać kształt | |
problems of your own \ outlaw (I think all handguns should be outlawed) | your own problems \ to make sth illegal | |
be at the height of your success | być u szczytu swojego sukcesu | |
May I have this dance? | Czy móglym prosić do tanca? | |
drowsy (=sleepy) \ tranquillizer (be on tranquillizers) | senny, śpiący \ srodek uspokajający (=sedative) | |
(OTC) over-the-counter drug \ prescription drug \ painkiller | lek bez recepty \ lek na receptę \ lek przeciwbólowy | |
make an appointment (to see the doctor) \ in the immediate future | umówić się na wizytę (np. u lekarza) \ w najbliższej przyszłości | |
perform one's duties | wykonywać czyjeś obowiązki | |
at this rate ( At this rate we're not going to be there till midnight) | jak tak dalej pojdzie (used to say what will happen if a particular situation continues to develop i | |
I would appreciate it very much. | Bylabym bardzo wdzięczna. | |
Best wishes. | Najlepsze zyczenia. | |
well-thought-out \ all over the place (There was blood all over the place) | dobrze pomyślany, zgrabnie pomyślany \ wszędzie | |
curriculum (l.mn.-curricula) \ to my mind | program nauczania \ moim zdaniem | |