wordki.pl - nauka słówek
mid-year vocab TED
autor: duperkiILS
Insipidlacking taste or flavor
Pragmaticconcerned with practical matters
Iconoclastsomeone who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
Arduousdifficult to accomplish
Profligaterecklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
Obsequiousobedient or attentive to an excessive degree
Capriciousgiven to sudden change in behavior
Fortuitoushappening by accident or chance
Alacritylively and cheerful readiness
Pellucidtranslucently clear
Corroborateconfirm or give support to
Magnanimousvery generous or forgiving; noble-minded
Scrupulousdiligent, thorough, and extremely careful
Prolificproductive, present in large number
Placatemake (someone) less angry or hostile
Exacerbateinfuriate, make worse
Hackneyedunoriginal and trite
Prudentacting with or showing care and thought
Esotericmysterious, obscure
Cacophonya harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Idiosyncrasya way of thought peculiar to an individual, usually strange
Pithybrief, to the point
Copiousabundant in supply or quantity
Ostentationpretentious and vulgar display intended to impress, show off
Taciturnreserved or uncommunicative in speech