wordki.pl - nauka słówek
I hope you're fine.a
How are you?a
How are you doing?d
It was good to hear from you.g
Thanks for your letter.g
Sorry I haven't written for so long.d
I'm writing to tell you..j
I wonder if you remember/have heard..k
As for my latest news,..l
First/Secondly, we're going to..g
The plan includes..m
I'm writing to ask for your help/advice..p
I wonder if I could ask you to/for..k
Could you tell me..j
I'd be really grateful if you could..l
I'm writing to thank you for..m
Thank you so much.n
It was (so/really) very kind of you to..b
I'm really sorry that..j
It will never happen again.k
Sorry for any trouble/bothering you again.m
Would you come to..?n