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autor: krokus50
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outperform sb\sth (Girls are consistently outperforming boys at school)to achieve better results than sb\sth, to do sth better than sb\sth
respectively (Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 respectively)odpowiednio (w wymienionej kolejności) (in the same order as the people or things already mentioned
to my mind\in my viewin my opinion
apprehend(of the police) to catch sb and arrest them
it serves sb right ("He hit me!" "It serves you right. You shouldn't have been rude to him.")coś się komuś należało (jako kara)
undemonstrativenot showing feelings openly, especially feelings of affection
restraint (They said that they would fight without restraint for what they wanted)the quality of behaving calmly and with control (=self-control)\ powściągliwość, umiar
restraint (on sb\sth) (The government has imposed export restraints on some products)a rule, a fact, an idea, etc. that limits or controls what people can do (ograniczenie)
a bygone age\days\era (The horse and cart belongs to a bygone era)miniony wiek\epoka\czasy
eat like a horsejeść bardzo dużo
vicious (criminal\attack) (I=brutal) (The newspapers launched a vicious attack on him, forcing him tviolent and cruel\(of animals)aggressive and dangerous\(of an attack,criticism,etc)full of hatred an
unadventurousnot willing to take risks or try new and exciting things (konwencjonalny, banalny)
stick to sth (II\III-stuck)trzymać się czegoś (np. planu)
sedentary lifestyle (<->active lifestyle)siędzący tryb zycia
conform (There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform)to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society (podporządkować si�
indulge sth \ sb (with sth) (The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art)to satisfy a particular desire, interest, etc. \ rozpieszczać (np. dzieci)
muscle\skin tonejędrność mięśni\skóry
vocal cordsstruny głosowe
in running\working order (The engine is now in perfect working order)w dobrym stanie, w stanie używalności [(especially of machines) working well]
surgical (ward)chirurgiczny (o zabiegu), operacyjny (o sali) \ oddzial operacyjny
inject sth (into yourself\sb\sth) \\ inject yourself\sb\sth (with sth) \\ A with B \ B into Awstrzykiwać (np. lekarstwo) \ wtryskiwać (np. chemikalia do owoców)
pomegranategranat (owoc)
humble (Most of us have never considered the humble potato as a precious gift from nature)(of a thing) not large or special in any way
Roman \ Greek \ EgyptianRzymianin, Rzymianka \ rzymski \\ Grek, Greczynka \ grecki \\ Egipcjanin, Egipcjanka \ egipski
reference to sthto refer to sth (odwołać się, cytować)
arid (region\climate) (->semi-arid)(of land or a climate) having little or no rain;very dry\ jałowy,bezowocny (np.rozmyślania,dyskusj
fungus (l.mn. fungi)grzyb (rodzaj organizmu żywego)
prize sth (for sth)wysoko cenić (value sth highly)
juicy \ pip (=seed)soczysty \ pestka (np. jabłka, granatu)
addition (to sth) \ sweet (=candy)dodatek \ cukierek
symbolic \ prosperity (-affluence)symboliczny \ dobrobyt, pomyślność, powodzenie
dated \ morselold-fashioned \ kąsek, kawałek
state school (<->public school) \ provisionsszkoła panstwowa \ zapasy, prowiant
provision (We need to increase the provision of health care for the elderly)the act of supplying sb with sth that they need or want (świadczenie,dostarczanie)\ klauzula,warune
enrolmentnabór, zapisy (do szkoły, uniwersytetu, na kurs) \ liczba osób przyjętych (np. na studia)
boom (in sth) (House prices are booming)a sudden increase in trade and economic activity \ to have a period of rapid growth (zwyzkować)
mindful of sb\sth (Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, I decided not to go out.)remembering sb\sth and considering them or it when you do sth (świadomy, pamietający)
nature study \\ outnumber sb\sth (In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one)obserwacja przyrody \ przewyższać liczebnie
verbal \ verbal skillssłowny, ustny \ umiejętność wysławiania się
self-access (materials) (Self-access allows students to learn at their own speed)samodzielna nauka
constrain (The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it\Research has been coto force sb to do sth or behave in a particular way \\ to restrict or limit sb\sth
feedback (We've had lots of feedback on these new products from our customers)reakcje, opinie (an opinion from sb about sth that you have done or made)
be lacking in sthlack sth
infrastructure \ cooling \ maximal (<->minimal)infrastruktura \ chłodzenie \ maksymalny
reduction (in sth) (She refused to accept a reduction in wages)znizka, obnizka, redukcja
versatile (He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts)wszechstronnie (uzdolniony) \ uniwersalny ((of food, a building, etc.) having many different uses)
retrain (sb) (as sth) (Owen used to be an actor but now he's retraining as a teacher)przekwalifikować się\kogoś
physically disabledfizycznie upośledzony
criterion (l.mn-criteria)kryterium
irrespective of sth (Everyone should be treated equally, irrespective of skin colour)bez względu na coś, niezależnie od czegoś
perpetuate (People think of him as a cruel man, an image perpetuated by the media)to make sth continue for a long time, especially sth bad (uwieczniać, utrwalać, zachowywać)
cut-off (Today is the cut-off date to submit applications)granica, limit (czegoś) (a point or limit when you stop sth)
mostly (She reads mostly romantic novels)głownie, przewaznie (->for the most part)
indirect (Indirect effects of the fighting include disease and food shortages)pośredni \ ukryty (np. koszty) \ okrężny (np. o drodze) (->non-committal)
computer hardware \ variedsprzęt komputerowy \ diverse
on the Internet \\ overuse sth \ overuse of sth ("Nice" is a very overused word)w internecie \\ nadużywać (np. jakichś słów) \ naduzywanie, zbyt częste użytkowanie
parental leave \ parental \\ self-relianturlop wychowawczy \ rodzicielski \\ samodzielny
inadequate for sth\to do sth (Our equipment is totally inadequate for a job like this)nieodpowiedni, nieadekwatny, niewystarczający (not good enough or too low in quality)
comorehensive \ comprehensive schoolwyczerpujący, obszerny, wszechstronny, pełny \ szkoła ogólnokształcąca
travel agentpracownik biura podrózy
shipwreckkatastrofa morska, rozbicie statku \ wrak (statku)
treasure hunter \ coronationposzukiwacz skarbów \ koronacja
go along (I might go along to the party after work\He made up the story as he went along)to go to a place or event, usually without much planning \ to continue with an activity
behind the scenes (A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the scenes)za kulisami \ in a way that people in general are not aware of
archive (sth)archiwum \ archiwizować (dokumenty, książki)
treasure sth (I treasure his friendship\I shall always treasure the memory of our time together)to have or keep sth that you love and that is extremely valuable to you
asset (Her assets include shares in the company and a house in France)a thing of value, especially property, that a person or company owns, which can be used or sold to p
convention (In many countries it is the convention to wear black at funerals)konwenanse, normy społeczne \ kongres, zjazd \ an official agreement between countries or leaders
fly (II\II-flew\flown) \ charter flightprzesyłać samolotem \ lot czarterowy
be due to do sth \ (a bird\wildlife) sanctuarymieć coś zrobic \ rezerwat (=reserve)
unnamed \ benefactor (-donor)whose name is not given or not known \ dobroczyńca, ofiarodawca
airline \ lay eggslinia lotnicza \ znosić jajka
make-up (Jealousy is not part of his make-up)charakter, natura (cechy charakteryzujące kogoś)
teamwork \\ battle (with\against sb\sth) (for sth) (She's still battling with a knee injury)praca zespołowa \ walczyć, toczyć bitwę
tournament \ golferturniej \ gracz w golfa
conquer sb\sthto take control of a country or city and its people by force\ to defeat sb, especially in a competit
campusmiasteczko uniwersyteckie, kampus (budynki należące do uczelni)
rattlesnake \ scorpiongrzechotnik (gatunek węża) \ skorpion
slide (II\II-slid)slizgac sie \ zjezdzalnia
punishing \ electronicsmorderczy, wyczerpujący (np. ćwiczenie) \ elektronika
contend with sb\sth (Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients)to have to deal with a problem or with a difficult situation or person
automated (->automate) \ arm (sb\yourself) (with sth)zutomatyzowany (np. robot) \ uzbroić
detachable (->removable)rozłączalny, zdejmowany, odczepialny
seated lawnmowersiędząca kosiarka do trawy
championship(s)mistrzostwa (rywalizacja sportowa w jakiejś dziedzinie)
(climbing\fishing\sports) gearsprzęt (the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity)
gondolier \ gondolagondolier \ gondola
aristocratic \\ nobleman\atistocratarystokratyczny \ arystokrata
price \ expense (->at the expense of sb\sth)wyceniać, określac cene \ wydatek
board (=get on)wsiadać (do autobusu, pociągu, samolotu)
the mode of transport \ privacyśrodek transportu \ prywatnosc
nobility (=the aristocracy)arystokracja \ szlachetnosc (the quality of being noble in character)
ambassadorambasador (jakiegoś kraju) \ przedstawiciel, ambasador (jakieś organizacji)
even more so \ lovinglyjeszcze bardziej \ czule, troskliwie, z miłością
flashyjaskrawy, krzykliwy, na pokaz (np. o samochodzie)
curvewygięcie, łuk, zakręt (np. drogi) \ krzywa (np. linia na wykresie)
equestrian athlete \ equestrianismjeździec \ jeździectwo
cheekybezczelny, zuchwały (slightly rude or behaving without respect, but often in a funny way)
be on sbbyć na czyjś rachunek
demolishwyburzyć, rozebrać (np. budynek, mur) \ obalić (np. teorię, ideę)
airlift (Three small children were airlifted to safety)transportować drogą powietrzną, lotniczą \ operacja lotnicza (np. ewakuacja drogą lotniczą)
and so on \ and so forth (We discussed everything—when to go, what to see and so on)i tak dalej (used at the end of a list to show that it continues in the same way)
cure for sth (but: cure sb of sth)a medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness
dignitarydostojnik, dygnitarz (a person who has an important official position)
whopping (The company made a whopping 75 million dollar loss)extremely large (ogromny)
at no extra costbez dodatkowych kosztów
disinfection \ itchy (->itch)dezynfekcja, odkażenie \\ swędzący \ gryzący (np. sweter)
hit on\upon sthwpaść na coś (np. pomysł) (to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance)
blindness (np. her blindness to the truth)ślepota \ zaślepienie, niedostrzeganie (np. czyichś wad)
Down's syndromezespół Downa
undo (<->do sth up)rozwiązywać, rozpinać (np. ubranie, torbę, guziki)
rogue (gene\cells)behaving in a different way from other similar people or things, often causing damage
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