wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Final Vocabulary Word List
autor: duperkiILS
Obduraterefuse to change one’s opinion; stubborn
Frivoloustrivial, silly
Benigngentle, kindly
Sporadicoccurring at irregular intervals; scattered or isolated
Prevaricatedeceive; stretch the truth; to tell a “white lie”
Belligerenthostile and aggressive
Dispassionateunfeeling, impartial
Providentiallucky, occurring at a favorable time; opportune
Diffidencehesitancy; lack of confidence
Fractiousirritable and quarrelsome
Disparateessentially different in kind, not allowing comparison
Plausiblereasonable or probable
Sanguineoptimistic or positive
Venerateregard with great respect
Succinctbrief, to the point
Ingeniousclever, original, and inventive
Meticulousvery careful and precise
Eruditewell-educated, cultured
Bolstersupport or strengthen
Conspicuousobvious, easily seen
Audaciousreckless, daring
Tumultuousconfused, or disorderly
Fervidintensely enthusiastic or passionate
Enervateto weaken over time
Ephemeralmomentary, passing quickly