pillbox | toczek | |
ancient institution | out of date instotution | |
make the law | legislate | |
abolish the monarchy | cause the monarchy stop exist | |
appoint a prime minister | pick out a prime minister | |
elect a government | pick out a government | |
found a republic | make a republic | |
opinion poll | checking survey | |
election compaign | kampania wyborcza | |
circumstances | okoliczności | |
reigning monarch | monarch who is in change of the country | |
mute swan | łabędź niemy | |
ownership | sht which belong to us | |
hand down | do sth to sb eg. control of bussiness (przekazywać) | |
mediewal | from the Middle Ages | |
antidication | sht which show us a way to do sth (wskazówka) | |
recipient | sb who receive sth eg a letter | |
to compile | to collect sth eg. information | |
black blotting paper | paper which fountain pen is writing on | |
jigsaw | puzzle | |
to strangle | try to kill sb by cluthing sb's neck | |
pheasant | bażant | |
submissive | pliable (uległy posłuszny) | |
sympathetic | adj show a sensitive reaction for sth wrong (współczujący) | |
plumber | hydraulik | |
chimney-sweeper | kominiarz | |
couch potato | kanapowy leń | |
down to earth | sb realistic, simple, unprecedented | |
snap | pochopny | |
spotlight | centre of attention | |
apparently | najwyraźniej | |
harm | to hurt | |
scratch | eg. moving a nail across the skin | |
pin | szpilka | |
razorblade | ostrze brzytwy | |
covering up | hiding sth | |
perpetrator | sb who is guilty for doing sth wrong (sprawca) | |
bear out | potewierdzac | |
brooch | broszka | |
refuge | place to protect people or animals | |
impact | influence | |
tendon | ścięgno | |
baggy clothing | wide clothing | |
to spot | pick out | |
staggered | suprised (oszołomiony) | |
stack up | wypadać blado w porównaniu z czymś kimś | |
externalize | (uzewnętrzniać) | |
turmoil | hubbub (wrzawa zgiełk) | |
approach | way,to go to | |
inpatient | opposite of patient | |
dozen | tuzin | |
neglected | sth which wasnt treated well so its in bad condition | |
felline | cat | |
refrigeration | fridge | |
underfed | situation when sb didnt eat enough | |
foul | adj smell bad | |
abandomnent | porzucenie | |
self spot | sentiment, hat youre not strong about sth | |
overwhelmed | really sad (about sb) (pogrążony w smutku) | |
lizard | jaszczurka | |
show up | to appear | |
recover | becaming to be health again | |
cut down | narrow down (zmniejszyć) | |
snap ur fingers | pstrykać palcami | |
pick your nose | wydmuchiwać nos | |
grind your teeth | mielić zębami | |
bite your nails | obgryzać paznokcie | |
hoarder | sb who find it impossible to throw old things away | |
crucial | key (kluczowy) | |
gossip | prattler(plotkarz) | |
faux pas | gaffe (gafa) | |
sexual harassment | napastowanie seksualne | |