Sinclair Lewis | "Main Street"/ Carol Kennicott | |
Sinclair Lewis | "Babbitt" | |
Sinclair Lewis | "Arrowsmith" | |
Sinclair Lewis | "Elmer Gantry" | |
Sinclair Lewis | "Dodsworth" | |
John Steinbeck | "Tortilla Flat" / Danny | |
John Steinbeck | "Dubious Battle" /migrant apple-pickers | |
John Steinbeck | "Of Mice and Men" /farm workers | |
John Steinbeck | "The Grapes of Wrath" /Joad family | |
John Steinbeck | "East of Eden" | |
John Steinbeck | "The Pearl" | |
Pauline Hopkins | "Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest" | |
Pauline Hopkins | "Of One Blood: Or, the Hidden Self" | |
Pauline Hopkins | "Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste" | |
Pauline Hopkins | "Contending Forces" | |
Louisa M. Alcott | "Flower Babies" | |
Louisa M. Alcott | "Little women: or Joe, Meg and Amy" | |
Louisa M. Alcott | "Work: A Story of Experience" | |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | "Women and ecomomics" | |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | "Concerning Children" | |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | "The Home" | |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | "The Yellow Wallpaper" | |
Gertrude Stein | "Three Lives" | |
Gertrude Stein | "The Making of Americans" | |
Gertrude Stein | "Tender Buttons" | |
Gertrude Stein | The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas | |
Ernest Hemingway | "The Sun Also Rises" | |
Ernest Hemingway | "A Farewell to Arms" | |
Ernest Hemingway | "For Whom The Bell Tolls" | |
Ernest Hemingway | "Death in the Afternoon" | |
Ernest Hemingway | "The Old Man and the Sea" | |
John Dos Passos | "One Man's Initiation" | |
John Dos Passos | "Three Soldiers" | |
John Dos Passos | "Manhattan Transfer" | |
John Dos Passos | "U.S.A." | |
Francis Scott Fitzgerald | "This Side of Paradise" | |
Francis Scott Fitzgerald | "Three Comrades" | |
Francis Scott Fitzgerald | "Tender is the Night" | |
Francis Scott Fitzgerald | "The Love of the Last Tycoon" | |
Francis Scott Fitzgerald | "The Great Gatsby" | |
Sidney Lanier | "Tiger-Lilies" | |
Sidney Lanier | "The Science of English Verse" | |
Kate Chopin | "Bayou Folk" | |
Kate Chopin | "A Night in Acadie" | |
Kate Chopin | "The Awakening" | |
William Dean Howells | "The Rise of Silas Lapham" | |
William Dean Howells | "Criticism and Fiction" | |
Hamlin Garland | "Crumbling Idols" | |
Hamlin Garland | "Main-Travelled Roads" | |
Henry James | "A Passionate Pilgrim" | |
Henry James | "Daisy Miller" | |
Henry James | "The Portrait of a Lady" /Isabel Archer,Gilbert Osmond | |
Henry James | "The Bostonians " | |
Henry James | "The Princess Casamassima " | |
Henry James | "The Turn of the Screw" | |
Henry James | "The Wings of the Dove" | |
Henry James | "The Ambassadors" | |
Henry James | "The Golden Bowl" | |
Henry James | "The Art of Fiction " | |
Mark Twain | "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County " | |
Mark Twain | "Innocents Abroad " | |
Mark Twain | "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " | |
Mark Twain | "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn " | |
Mark Twain | "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court " | |
Mark Twain | "A Mysterious Stranger " | |
Ralph W. Emerson | "Nature" | |
Ralph W. Emerson | "Self- Reliance" | |
Walt Whitman | "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" | |
Walt Whitman | "Song of Myself" | |
Stephen Crane | "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets" /Maggie Johnson | |
Stephen Crane | "The Red Badge of Courage" | |
Stephen Crane | "The Open Boat" | |
Jack London | "The Call of the Wild"/ dog Buck | |
Jack London | "The Sea Wolf" | |
Jack London | "White Fang" | |
Frank Norris | "McTeague" | |
Frank Norris | "The Octopus" | |
Theodore Dreiser | "Sister Carrie" | |
Theodore Dreiser | "Jennie Gerhardt" | |
Theodore Dreiser | "Trilogy of desire" | |
Theodore Dreiser | "An American Tragedy" | |
Sherwood Anderson | "Windy McPherson's Son" | |
Sherwood Anderson | "Marching Men" | |
Sherwood Anderson | "Winesburg, Ohio" | |
Henry Miller | "Topic of Cancer" | |
Henry Miller | "Black Spring" | |
Henry Miller | "Topic of Capricorn" | |
Thomas Wolfe | "Look Homeward, Angel" | |
Thomas Wolfe | "You can't go home again" | |
Nathaniel West | "Miss Lonely Hearts" | |
Nathaniel West | "The Day of the Locust" | |
William Faulkner | "Soldiers' Pay" | |
William Faulkner | "Mosquitoes" | |
William Faulkner | "Sartoris" | |
William Faulkner | "The Sound and the Fury" | |
William Faulkner | "As I Lay Dying" | |
William Faulkner | "Light in August" | |
William Faulkner | "Absalom, Absalom" | |
William Faulkner | "The Hamlet" | |
William Faulkner | "The Town" | |
William Faulkner | "The Mansion" | |
Robert Frost | "A Boy's Will" | |
Robert Frost | "North of Boston" | |
Robert Frost | "Mountain Interval" | |
Robert Frost | "Collected Poems" | |
Ezra Pound | "The Cantos" | |
Thomas Elliot | "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" | |
Thomas Elliot | "The Waste Land" | |
Thomas Elliot | "The Hollow Men" | |
Thomas Elliot | "Ash Wenesday" | |
Thomas Elliot | "Four Quartets" | |