singer | piosenkarz, sings songs |
flutist | flecista, plays the flute |
trumpeter | trębacz, plays the trumpet |
pianist | pianista, plays the piano |
conductor | dyrygent, leads an orchestra or a band |
violinist | skrzypek, plays the violin |
frontman | lider zespołu, lead singer of a rock band |
guitarist | gitarzysta, plays the guitar |
drummer | perkusista, plays the drums |
composer | kompozytor, writes music |
piper | dudziarz, plays the bagpipes |
virtuoso | wirtuoz, top-class musician or singer |
soloist | solista, plays an instrument alone |
cellist | wiolonczelista, plays the cello |
vocalist | wokalista, sings songs alone or in band |
anthem | hymn |
carols | kolędy |
concerto | koncert |
lullaby | kołysanka |
notes | nuty |
piece | utwór |
refrain | refren |
scales | gamy |
film score | ścieżka dźwiękowa do filmu |
tune | melodia |
requiem | requiem |
impresario | organizator koncertów |
fanfare | fanfara |
bassoon | fagot |
stalls | pierwsze miejsca w teatrze |
bass | gitara basowa |
cello | wiolonczela |
cellist | wiolonczelista |
keyboard | keyboard |
organ | organy |
piano | pianista |
saxophone | saksofon |
choir | chór |
disc jockey | dj |
rapper | raper |
soprano | sopran |
tenor | tenor |
moving | poruszający |
beat | uderzenie, rytm, takt |
monotous | monotonny |
catchy | chwytliwy |
incomprehensible | niezrozumiały |
out of tune | rozstrojony |
music to my ears | rozkosz dla uszu |
good ear for music | dobry słuch |
be face the music | wypić piwo którego się nawarzyło |
blow sb's own trumpet | przechwalać się |