wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Exam and Page 16-17
autor: Astro
to accompanytowarzyszyc
an easelack of difficulty
compulsivethat is difficult to stop or control
to winkmrugać
a lanepas ruchu
a huddlenatlok
to surpassprzewyzszac
preconcieved[only before noun] (of ideas, opinions, etc.) formed before you have enough information or experi
forciblyin a way that involves the use of physical force
a great deal to live up toduże oczekiwania
as white as a sheetbiały jak ściana
as clean as a whistleczysty jak
like a sievejak sitko
as deaf as a postgłuchy jak pień
like chalk and cheeseniepodobni
like a bat out of helljak nietoperz z pikla
as warm as toastcieple jak tost
like water off duck's backjak pokaczce
to condenseto change from a gas into a liquid
to set outto leave a place and begin a journey
to jam withwypelniony
to swing outmake a big sweeping gesture or movement
to surge ina sudden increase in the amount or number of sth