wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: paulisia33
dodaj do moich zestawów
A basket casea crazy person
A bull in a china shopsomeone who is very clumsy
A gray areasomething unclear
A little birdie told mesomeone told me a secret
A piece of cakevery easy done
A rip offtoo expensive
Be in hot waterbe in trouble
Be in the same boatbe in the same situation
Be second to nonebe the best
Have a bee in (your) bonnetbe obsessed with an idea
Birdbrainsomone who is not very smart
Put a bug in his earmake a suggestion
Call it a daytime to quit
Cat got your tongue?why aren't you talking?
Cross your fingersfor good luck
Cry crocodile tearsto pretend to be upset
Curiosity killed the catasking may get you in trouble
Doggy baga bag to take home leftovers from a restaurant
Draw a blankcan't remember
Fish out of waterbeing somewhere you don't belong
For the birdssomething that is not worth anything
Get a kick out of something/doing somethingenjoy something very much
Get cold feetbe nervous
Get off your high horsequit thinking you are better than others
Get your act togetherbehave properly
Give it a shottry
Give someone the cold shoulderIgnore someone
Goose is cookednow you're in trouble
Have a change of heartchange your mind
Have a shot athave a chance
Have mixed feelingsunsure how you feel
Have second thoughtshave doubts
Hold your horseswait a minute
Horse of a different colorsomething that is different
Hot doga person doing athletic stunts that are dangerous
I am all earsYou have my undivided attention
It costs an arm and a legit was expensive
It is in the bagit is a certainty
A different kettle of fishsomething is completely different
Let the cat out of the bagtell a secret
Make a mountain out of a molehillMake something that is not important into a big deal
Out of the bluewith no warning
Pig outto eat a lot
Play it by earimprovise
Raining cats and dogsit is raning very hard
Read between the linesfind the hidden meaning
See eye to eyeagree
It slipped my mindI forgot
Speak your mindsay what you really feel
The icing on the cakesomething additional that turns good into great
Wolf in sheep's clothinga person who pretends to be nice but is not
You can't teach an old dog new tricksIt is harder to older people to learn new things
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