wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Grądzia Consolidation I
autor: aviete
dodaj do moich zestawów
speculation/ evidenceprzypuszczenie/ dowód
establishedwprowadzony, założony
level/ degree of efficiencypoziom wydajnośći
institution os sthzałożenie czegoś
gain/ win/ earn/ arise the admirationzdobyć uznanie (4)
ancient/ those timestamte czasy
confined toograniczony do
make use of sthzrobić z czegoś użytek
not until...jeszcze przed końcem....
the need of sthpotrzeba czegoś
lead toprowadzić do
set up sthzałożyć coś
act upbehave awkwardly or badly/ in a shameful way
answer backdefend oneself
answer (sb) backspeak rudely to sb
answer forbe responsible for sth
answer tobe under the command of sb
back downcease (stop) to oppose (opposing)
back out ofwithdraw sth/ give up (wycofać się)
bear onbe relevant to
bear withtolerate
to beneath sbbe demeaning - poniżać kogoś
be in with sbmieć układy z kimś
be down on sbbe hostile (przeciwko)
be in for sthbe in trouble
be down with sthbyć rozłożonym chorobą
be into sthbe interested in sth
be off sthdon't want sth
be onbe in TV/ cinema ect
be up todo sth/ happen
be outbe in bloom
all butnearly, almost
all inexhausted
all toldaltogether
for allin spite of
of all people(expressing annoyance, surprise)
all alongfrom the beginning
all the sameyet, however
all in allwhen everything is considered
for all I knowas far as I know
for all I careI don't care
to take sth into accountto consider sth
on account ofbecause of
on no accountin no circumstances
on this/ that accountfor this/ that reason
on the airbroadcasting
off the airopp to on the air
in the airuncertain// spreading about
to clear the airto get rid of suspicion or bad feeling
to be up in armsto be very angry
on the alerton the look-out, expecting sth
be adjacent tobe next to
amount to sthbe equal with sth (sprowadzać się do)
be arested for sthbyć aresztowanym za
adjust to sthget used to sth
accord withzgadzać się z (calculations)
be appreciative ofshowing appreciation
be abashed by/ atbe ashamed/ embarassed of sth
abstinence from sthabstynencja od
aversion to sthawersja do
animosity towardshostility (niechęć do)
believe inwierzyć w
beware ofstrzec się przed
bump into sbmeet sb by chance
barter for sthexchange sth
(make) a beeline forrun straight way to the place
ban onzakaz czegoś
bask inlie in + take pleasure of sth
boast of/ about sthchwalić się czymś
beg sb for sthbłagać kogoś o coś
to interest sbto sind sth interesting
make up to sb for sthmake ammends for
don't mind doingbe aversed to doing
explain whyaccount for
make sb curious toto whet sb's appetite for
be caught while doing sthbe caught in the act of doing sth
like sb to do sthapprove of (sb doing sth/ sb who does sth)
laughtśmiać się
smileuśmiechać się
gigglelaugh quietly - chichotać
chucklelaugh to yourself
sneersmile showing contempt/ scorn (pogarda)
grinsmile widely (od ucha do ucha)
sniggerlaugh at sb's unfortune
smirksmile to yourself in satisfied way (głupio)
beamsmile with pleasure (promiennie)
titterlaugh in a brief, nervous way
guffawlaught when you shouldn't do this
lewd jokedirty joke
dodgeunkiknąć physically
evadeto escape from celverly
shirkwymigiwać się, obijać
ducklower the head
swayedcause influence or control over, rule// bend to one side
influencedaffected by person
affectinfluenced by ilness
impressedstrongly influneced (often favorably)
realbeing, occuring in fact
authenticof undisputed origin or authorship
genuinepossesnig the claimed character
naturalwith no human intrusion
wealthypossesnig wealth
affluentsupplied with property + manifesting it
richhaving great material/ mineral wealth
opulentlavish, luxuriant
well-offrich (man)
(one) wareitem offered for sale
merchandisegoods bought & sold in business
commodityarticle of commerce, adventage
challenge authorityzakwestionować, podważyć
scrape thruoghmanage or survive with difficulty
lead a group of peopledowodzić ludźmi
disclose a secretzdradzić sekret
pledge (your loyalty to sb)przyrzec (lojalność komuś)
subscribe to a magazinesubskrybować magazyn
show sympathy to someoneokazać komuś współczucie
be hooked on doing sthmieć bzika na punkcie czegoś
release (a piece of news)wypuścić newsa
bend the rulesnagiąć zasady
artificial/ false teethsztuczne zęby
false alarmfałszywy alarm
artificial flowerssztuczne kwiaty
false notefałszywy dźwięk
artificial/ prosthetic limbssztuczne kończyny
artificial/ false lightsztuczne światło
artificial/ false hairsztuczne włosy
artificial/ fake tearssztuczne łzy
artificial/ false pearlssztuczne perły
fase impressionmylne wrażenie
false passportfałszywy paszport
conifer treestrees having needles
dipper, wagtail, sandpiperkinds of birds
mayflya kind of fish
to fellto cut down the tree
pitfalltrap (pułapka)
bed (of the river)koryto rzeki
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