exist | istnieć | |
speculation/ evidence | przypuszczenie/ dowód | |
established | wprowadzony, założony | |
level/ degree of efficiency | poziom wydajnośći | |
institution os sth | założenie czegoś | |
gain/ win/ earn/ arise the admiration | zdobyć uznanie (4) | |
ancient/ those times | tamte czasy | |
confined to | ograniczony do | |
make use of sth | zrobić z czegoś użytek | |
not until... | jeszcze przed końcem.... | |
the need of sth | potrzeba czegoś | |
lead to | prowadzić do | |
set up sth | założyć coś | |
act up | behave awkwardly or badly/ in a shameful way | |
answer back | defend oneself | |
answer (sb) back | speak rudely to sb | |
answer for | be responsible for sth | |
answer to | be under the command of sb | |
back down | cease (stop) to oppose (opposing) | |
back out of | withdraw sth/ give up (wycofać się) | |
bear on | be relevant to | |
bear with | tolerate | |
to beneath sb | be demeaning - poniżać kogoś | |
be in with sb | mieć układy z kimś | |
be down on sb | be hostile (przeciwko) | |
be in for sth | be in trouble | |
be down with sth | być rozłożonym chorobą | |
be into sth | be interested in sth | |
be off sth | don't want sth | |
be on | be in TV/ cinema ect | |
be up to | do sth/ happen | |
be out | be in bloom | |
all but | nearly, almost | |
all in | exhausted | |
all told | altogether | |
for all | in spite of | |
of all people | (expressing annoyance, surprise) | |
all along | from the beginning | |
all the same | yet, however | |
all in all | when everything is considered | |
for all I know | as far as I know | |
for all I care | I don't care | |
to take sth into account | to consider sth | |
on account of | because of | |
on no account | in no circumstances | |
on this/ that account | for this/ that reason | |
on the air | broadcasting | |
off the air | opp to on the air | |
in the air | uncertain// spreading about | |
to clear the air | to get rid of suspicion or bad feeling | |
to be up in arms | to be very angry | |
on the alert | on the look-out, expecting sth | |
be adjacent to | be next to | |
amount to sth | be equal with sth (sprowadzać się do) | |
be arested for sth | być aresztowanym za | |
adjust to sth | get used to sth | |
accord with | zgadzać się z (calculations) | |
be appreciative of | showing appreciation | |
be abashed by/ at | be ashamed/ embarassed of sth | |
abstinence from sth | abstynencja od | |
aversion to sth | awersja do | |
animosity towards | hostility (niechęć do) | |
believe in | wierzyć w | |
beware of | strzec się przed | |
bump into sb | meet sb by chance | |
barter for sth | exchange sth | |
(make) a beeline for | run straight way to the place | |
ban on | zakaz czegoś | |
bask in | lie in + take pleasure of sth | |
boast of/ about sth | chwalić się czymś | |
beg sb for sth | błagać kogoś o coś | |
to interest sb | to sind sth interesting | |
make up to sb for sth | make ammends for | |
don't mind doing | be aversed to doing | |
explain why | account for | |
make sb curious to | to whet sb's appetite for | |
be caught while doing sth | be caught in the act of doing sth | |
like sb to do sth | approve of (sb doing sth/ sb who does sth) | |
laught | śmiać się | |
smile | uśmiechać się | |
giggle | laugh quietly - chichotać | |
chuckle | laugh to yourself | |
sneer | smile showing contempt/ scorn (pogarda) | |
grin | smile widely (od ucha do ucha) | |
snigger | laugh at sb's unfortune | |
smirk | smile to yourself in satisfied way (głupio) | |
beam | smile with pleasure (promiennie) | |
titter | laugh in a brief, nervous way | |
guffaw | laught when you shouldn't do this | |
lewd joke | dirty joke | |
dodge | unkiknąć physically | |
evade | to escape from celverly | |
shirk | wymigiwać się, obijać | |
duck | lower the head | |
swayed | cause influence or control over, rule// bend to one side | |
influenced | affected by person | |
affect | influenced by ilness | |
impressed | strongly influneced (often favorably) | |
real | being, occuring in fact | |
authentic | of undisputed origin or authorship | |
genuine | possesnig the claimed character | |
natural | with no human intrusion | |
wealthy | possesnig wealth | |
affluent | supplied with property + manifesting it | |
rich | having great material/ mineral wealth | |
opulent | lavish, luxuriant | |
well-off | rich (man) | |
goods | towary | |
(one) ware | item offered for sale | |
merchandise | goods bought & sold in business | |
commodity | article of commerce, adventage | |
challenge authority | zakwestionować, podważyć | |
scrape thruogh | manage or survive with difficulty | |
lead a group of people | dowodzić ludźmi | |
disclose a secret | zdradzić sekret | |
pledge (your loyalty to sb) | przyrzec (lojalność komuś) | |
subscribe to a magazine | subskrybować magazyn | |
show sympathy to someone | okazać komuś współczucie | |
be hooked on doing sth | mieć bzika na punkcie czegoś | |
gambling | hazard | |
release (a piece of news) | wypuścić newsa | |
bend the rules | nagiąć zasady | |
artificial/ false teeth | sztuczne zęby | |
false alarm | fałszywy alarm | |
artificial flowers | sztuczne kwiaty | |
false note | fałszywy dźwięk | |
artificial/ prosthetic limbs | sztuczne kończyny | |
artificial/ false light | sztuczne światło | |
artificial/ false hair | sztuczne włosy | |
artificial/ fake tears | sztuczne łzy | |
artificial/ false pearls | sztuczne perły | |
fase impression | mylne wrażenie | |
false passport | fałszywy paszport | |
conifer trees | trees having needles | |
tributary | dopływ | |
invertebrates | bezkręgowce | |
dipper, wagtail, sandpiper | kinds of birds | |
nymph | poczwarka | |
otter | wydra | |
acidification | zakwaszenie | |
mayfly | a kind of fish | |
to fell | to cut down the tree | |
pitfall | trap (pułapka) | |
bed (of the river) | koryto rzeki | |