wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Hans superstitions 1
autor: moni16011
chimney sweep(er)kominiarz
to tempt fatekusić los
walk under the ladderiśc pod drabina
knock on woododpukac w drewno
shamrock = four-leaf cloverkoniczyna = 4-listna koniczyna
spilled saltwysypana sol
salt shakersolniczka
a pigeon lets loose on a persongolab sie na kogos wyproznia :/ (durny golab!)
shooting starsspadajace gwiazdy
a wish/dream comes truezyczenie/sen sie spelnia
breathe on sthchuchnac na cos
keep one's umbrella up indoorsmiec otwarty parasol w pomieszczeniu
grab a buttonzlapac sie za guzik
cross paths with a black catprzeciac drogi z czarnym kotem
to ensure good luckzapewnic sobie szczescie
reverse = ward off = counteract bad luckodwrocic = odgonic = zapobiec pechowi - to reduce or remove the effect of sth unwanted
to take sth with a pinch/grain of saltnie brac czegos na powaznie (przy okazji szczypta soli)
throw sth over my left shoulderrzucic cos przez lewe ramie
the evil eye"zle oko"
superstitious aboutprzesądny
take 3 steps backcofnac sie o 3 kroki
beliefwiara, przekonanie
wishing wellstudnia zyczen
swallows fly lowjaskolki nisko lataja
step on a cracknadepnac na laczenie plytek na chodniku -.-
rub pawzacierać łapy?
petalpłatek (kwiatowy)
to avoid bad luckunikac pecha
to grant a wishto consent, perform or fulfil a wish
to return the favouroddac przysluge
lifelong argumentsdozgonne klotnie
discipleuczeń, apostol
cling foilfolia sniadaniowa
to cling (on) to sthto stick onto or hold sth or sb tightly - trzymac sie kurczowo
roll one's eyeslook up to show that u consider sb/sth stupid/silly
buy intocompletely believe in a set of ideas
lost in timebelonging to the past
the evil eyea magical power to injure or harm people by looking at them
ancientvery old (about superstitions)
jealousy/envywishing u had what another person has
result into make sth happen/cause
play sth downto make sth seem less important or less bad than it really is
preservativea chemical used to stop food from decaying
longevityliving for a long time
gin jointa bar/restaurant serving cheap food/drink
tie to = associaterelate to = connect to (2)
abundancewhen there is more than enough of sth
magical properties of opal (stone)a quality in a substance/material, one meaning it can be used in a particular way - magiczne wlasciw
pesky(upierdliwy) annoying or causing trouble
a double whammya magical spell or power that causes sb to have a difficult or unpleasant time
mockering attitudelekcewazaca postawa
to be boastful and show offbyc chlpliwym i sie chwalic
herd of cattlestado bydla
take aim at the eyecelowac/mierzyc do oka