wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Unit 17 Marek Vocabulary
autorzy: Reavy, ...
antipathya feeling of strong, often active, dislike or opposition towards sth or sb
hostileadjective from antipathy
aversiona feeling of intense dislike or an unwillingness to do sth, also used to person
to have aversion to sb / sthmieć do kogoś / do czegoś niechęć, obrzydzenie kuźwa
pet aversionthe thing you dislike most of all
loathing, loathsome ( adj ), loathe ( verb )intense hatred, wstręt, obrzydzenie
abhorrence, abhorrent ( adj ), abhor ( verb )intense disgust, nienawiść, wstręt, obrzydzenie
scorn, scornful ( adj ), scorn ( verb )lack of respect for sth or sb
revulsion, revolting ( adj ), revolt ( verb )strong disgust, odraza, obrzydzenie
repulsion, repulsive ( adj ), repulse ( verb )opposite of strong attraction, awersja, odpychanie, odrzucanie, wstręt , wszystko to samo
blandlacking taste or character ( food etc. )
brashtoo confident, too bright ( clothes etc. ), wyzywający
dowdydull in appearance or lacking style ( clothes, person, especially of woman ), zaniedbały, bez gustu
ficklechanging opinions suddenly without reason, kapryśny, zmienny
graspingalways wanting more money, chciwy, zachłanny
nit-pickingtoo concerned about unimportant details, czepianie się głupstw
obnoxiousunpleasant and rude, obraźliwy, nieprzyjemny, wstrętny
obsequioustoo eager to praise or obey people, służalczy, uległy
off-handshowing rude lack of interest in others, bezceremonialny, bez przygotowania
officioustoo eager to tell others what to do, nadgorliwy, natrętny
ostentatiousdisplaying wealth or possessions in a vulgar way, pompatyczny, napuszony
pompousshowing that you are more important than others,
pretentioustrying to appear more serious or important than you really are
pueriletoo silly and childish, infantylny, dziecinny
sloppynot taking care in the way you work
squalidvery dirty and unpleasant
tritelacking of originality, banal, banalny, oklepany, szablonowy
casualprzypadkowy, codzienny, niedbały
authoritativeautorytarny, apodyktyczny, wiarygodny