wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ejagus
accountableresponsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized.. odpowiedzialny
appraisala meeting between an employee and their manager to discuss the quality of the employee’s - ocena
as set out inaccording to ideas, facts presented in an organized way, in speech or writing - wyznaczone
astutegood at judging situations and people quickly and able to use this knowledge - bystry, zręczny
at the end of the dayused to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered - koniec końców
boldbrave and confident - śmiały
clear guidelineclear information - jasne wskazówki
client focusthe orientation of an organization toward serving its clients' needs - skupienie na kliencie
cock-upsomething that is done wrong or badly - fuck-up
comfort zonea situation in which you feel comfortable - strefa komfortu
competencean important skill that is needed to do a job - kompetencja, znajomość
consumer discretionarydobra luksusowe
consumer staplesdobra użytku codziennego
contractiona situation in which less money is being earned, spent, or invested in a market - kurczenie się
cool, calm, collecteda situation in which less money is being earned, spent, or invested in a market or economy-opanowany
cringingalways obeys people or agrees with them in a way that does not seem - uniżony, służalczy, zastras
daringbrave and taking risks - brawurowy, dzielny, wyzywający
devil's advocateobrońca sprawy złej
dignifiedcalm and serious and deserving respect - dostojny, godny
downswinga time when an economy, industry, etc. is weaker than normal - tendencja zniżkowa
dress-down Fridaya day on which employees are allowed to wear informal clothes to work - każual frajdej
financialsprojekcje i dane finansowe
flawedhaving a blemish or flaw - wadliwy, błędny
foul-upan occasion when something is spoiled by a stupid mistake - wpadka
get on withto continue doing something, especially work - wracać do czegoś, nie przerywać czegoś
grovelingbehaving with too much respect towards someone to show that you are eager... uniżony, płaszczący
in accordance/line withzgodnie z czymś
inertnot moving - bezwładny, bezczynny
ingeniousvery clever and involving new ideas, equipment, or methods - pomysłowy
insightthe ability to understand what something is really like, or an example of this - wgląd, wyobrażeni
(in the) interimokres przejściowy (w międzyczasie); śródroczny
inventoryinwentarz, spis
jammysomeone lucky - fartowny
measurable objectivemierzalny cel
mind-sharerelative public awareness of a phenomenon - myśl, uwaga
non-committalnot showing your opinion about something - wymijający, dyplomatyczny
non-operating profitdochód nieoperacyjny
nonsensicalhaving no meaning; making no sense - bezsensowny
observableable to be noticed or perceived; discernible - zauważalny
observantAlert and paying close attention; watchful - spostrzegawczy
office politicsinfluence of personal relationships and preferences on the day-to-day workings - polityka biurowa
on the use ofdone for specified purpose - na potrzeby czegoś
order entryprocess of entering order information to a fulfillment system - rejestracja zleceń
PAPersonal Assistant
panea flat piece of glass in a window or door - szyba
payablesdebts and liabilities owed by a business - zobowiązania
payrolla list of employees in a company with the salaries they receive - lista płac
premisean idea or theory on which a statement or action is based - przesłanka, założenie
private limited companyprywatna spółka z o.o.
realistic targetachievable goal - realistyczny cel
receivablesmoney that is owed to a business - należności
reconcicleto compare (one financial account) so that it is consistent or compatible with another
stancea mental or emotional position adopted with respect to something - ustosunkowanie