wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Chirurgia i inne nowotwory
autor: Evvik
AnaesthesiaBlocks the sensation of pain/induces a loss of consciousness
General anaesthesiaRenders patient unconcious
Before general anaesthesiaO2 delivered through the face mask
Anaesthesia induced(wprowadzona)With an intravenous agent
While patient is asslepAnaesthetic is withdrawn(usunięty,wyprowdzony)
Anaesthesia maitainedWith inhaled or voltile anaesthetic (lotny,w stanie g)
Inhaled/Voltile anaestheticAdministrated through endotracheal tube
UnconsciousnessBrak świadomości
FatiguedFeeling after operation, asleep
Wear ofStop working (e.g. Anaesthetic)
Clearheded stateTrzeźwy umysł
Depress in circulationSpowolnić krążenie
Drop in BPSpadek ciśnienia
Conscious sedationPatient awake but drowsy, no pain, no memory
Regional /Block/Conduction anaesthesiaPart of body is insensitive to pain, nerves blocked
Brachial block anaesthesiaBlok splotu ramiennego
Block of lower partBy injecting anaest into the epidural space
Regional anaesthesia (patient can move limbs)Numbs(odrętwiać) patient waist down but patient conscious
Epidural anaesthesiaEpidural block, znieczulenie oponowe
Epidural blockUsed in labour,injection into subarachnoid space
Spinal anaesthesia(lower back surgery,appendicetomy)Used for repairing fractures of lowe limb,
Local anaesthesiaLoss of sensation,by injection,ointment,spray
SedativeLek na uspokojenie
DehiscenceWound open after surgery
EpisiotomyNacięcie krocza
-ectomyRemoval of problem
-oscopyViewing part of the body
DehiscenceWound open after surgery/spliting edges/rozchodzące się rany
TracheotomyCutting trachea
LobotomyCutting lobes
GastrotomyCutting stomach
EpisiotomyIncision of perineum(krocze)
SternotomyIncision of sternum
AppendectomyRemoval of appendix
LumpectomyRemoving part of brest, small tumour
MastectomyRemoving whole brest&lymph nodes
CholecystectomyRemoval of gallbladder
ColonoscopyViewing large intestine
BronchoscopyViewing lungs
HysteroscopyViewing uterus(macica)
DermoplastyPlastyka skóry
AngioplastyPlastyka naczyń
Z-plastyScars(cicatrix) redcution
Mitral valve plastyPlastyka zastawki 2dzielnej
Excruciating painPowalajacy/rodzielajacy ból
Blood stained discharge/mucousWydzielina z krwią
LeukorrheaThick wihite vaginal discharge/upławy
A cervical smear test/Pap smearWymaz z szyjki macicy
Laser treatmentLeczenie laserem
Squamous cell carcinomasNowotwory płaskonabłonkowe
SymptomsGiven by patients,eye visible
SignsBased on lab results/little signs not given by patient
Carcinoma of the cervixRak szyjki macicy
Bowel habitsStool freqency & consistency
Emotional numbnessOdrętwienie/loosing sensations
1.DenialTo refuse/deny sth/wyparcie/zaprzeczenie
5.AcceptanceAccepting/dealing with situation
A recurrenceRelapse
Adjacent tissueSurrounding
Carcinoma in situ/cisNot cancer yet but in 1 site/lesion
Stage 0Pre cancerous stage
CounsellorClinical psychologist
Coal tarSmoła pogazowa
ThromboembolismZakrzepica z zatorem
SalineSól fizjologiczna
Living/deceased donorŻyjący/nie żyjący dawca
Operation done/performedWykonać operacje
CholecystitisInflamation of gallbladder
Compresion tightsSurgical stockings (rajstopy uciskowe)
Continous sutureSzew ciągły
Single interupted sutureSzew pojedyńczy węzełkowy
SedativesLeki usookajające
Blocking the sensation of painNo pain
ConsciousnessStan świadomości
Transmural inflammatory diseasePrzezbłonowe zapalenie
AetiologyCause or orgin
OnsetThe beggining of the disease
AbruptPojawiać się nagle
Presenting featuresReason for making appointment
Present to doctorGo to doctor
First/initial/tentative/provisional diagnosisWstępna diagnoza
Flare upAktywować się
Differential diagnosesRóżnicujące diagnozy
Definitive diagnosisOstateczna diagnoza
Precancerous stagestadium przednowotworowe
HPVHuman papilloma virus
Punch biopsyBiopsja trepanem
PrimigravidaKobieta w 1 ciąży
NulligravidaKobieta, która nigdy nie była w ciązy
HysterecromyWycięcie macicy/histerektomia
ConizationWycięcie stożka tkanki z szyjki macicy/konizacja
ColposcopyKolposkopia/oglądanie szyjki macicy przy użyciu oświetlającego istrumentu
AntineoplasticŚrodek przeciwnowotworowy
AdenocarcinomaGruczolakorak/rak gruczołowy
ColitisZapalenie okrężnicy
ColonoscopyKolonoskopia/wziernikowanie okrężnicy
ColostomyWytworzenie przetoki okrężniczo-skórnej, kolostomia
LaparotomyOtwarcie jamy brzusznej
RectoscopyWziernikowanie odbytnicy
Antineoplastic drugsChemotherapy
Cheatle's forcepsHandle sterile instruments
Artery forcepsControl bleeding
Michel's clip-removing forcepsRemove clips (zszywki)
Dissecting forcepsRemove dressings
Suture scissorsRemove stiches
Wound probeSonda/explore wounds
Lister's bandage scissorsCut bandages
ScalpelMake incisions
Needle holderHandle needles
RetractorsExpose deeper structures
Non crushing climpCompress or retain a grip of a grasped suture
Palliative careOpieka paliatywna
FractionsSerie np radioterpii
Full mastectomyRemoval of whole brest & lymph nodes from armpit
Mastectomy:Safer,removes more tissue, brest can be replaced with implant
LumpectomyRemoval of tissue & lymph nodes around tumour
Lumpectomy:Chemotherapy & radiotherapy after, loose of hair
CISIn situ, lesion which is not tumour yet
OSGOveral stage grouping
OSG stage ILocalized in one body part, curable
OSG II & IIICancer spread to local lymph nodes
OSG IVMetastasized and incurable
TNMTumour, node, metastasis
TNM TSize of primary tumour: 0-4
TNM NExtent to which local lymph nodes are involved: 0-4
TNM MMetastasis: 0- no metastaisis, 1- metastases present
T1N2M0Small tumour (T1) Spread to local lymph nodes (N2) but not to distant parts of the body (M0)
CarcinogenCzynnik wywołujący nowotwór
ScrubPrzygotować część ciała do operacji
DrapePrzykryć/zasłonić/osłonić do operacji
Adhesive stripsStripy(rodzaj opatrunku)
ImmunosuppressantŚrodek immunosupresyjny
Certified brain deathStwierdzona śmierć mózgu
surgery:branch of medicine which treats injuries and conditions by methods which involve opening,manipulating and repairing a part of the body
surgical excisionwycięgie
surgically removedusunięcie opreacyjne
recurrent attacksnawracające ataki
Bypass surgeryskip over(bypass) the blocked or narrowed area by attaching an a or part of v to a coronary a
Arterial bypass graftstaken from a site in a chest,arm or leg
transplant surgeryperformed to replace a diseaded organ,tissue with organ from donor
organs that can be transplantcornea, heart, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas, small intestine, bone marrow
living consenting donor (żyjący,wyrażający zgodę dawca)can donate liver,lung,kidney
harvested(pobrane) from deceased donorhearts, lungs, corneas, livers, pancreases
deceasedpeople who had recently died
skin graftingprzeszczep skóry; skin from buttocsk or upper part of tigh
replacedzastąpić (prosthetic devices made of metal, plastic, porcelain)
reattachprzyłączyć/przyszyć eg. fingers
to severoderwany, odcięty eg. palec
exploratory surgeryeg. abdomen is opened and examined when needed organs removed/repaired
diagnostic surgeryto confirm diagnosis
biopsyspecimen tissue is removed
palliative surgeryrelieve/reduce intensity of condition eg. pain when not possible to cure
emergency surgeryas qucik as possible in case of internal bleeding etc
urgent surgeryeg. removal of acutely inflamed appendix, within 24-28 h
elective surgeryeg. hip replacement, planned in advance, delay has no ill effects
laparoscopic surgeryabdomen inflated with CO2 to lift wall away from ograns
punctures(ports)small key hole points for trocars to be inserted into abdomen
trocartrokar, to co wsadzają żeby stworzyć kanał
a laparoscopeviewing instrument
laparoscopic surgery is used for appendicectomy, cholecystectomy,hernia repair (przepuklina), colon and antireflux procedures
open proceduressurgery
laparoscopic surgery is less invasive,incisions are smallerless post opperative pain & disability,shorter hospital stay, quciker recovery
key-hole surgery of jointsarthroscopic surgery
key-hole surgery of chestthoracoscopic surgery
stereotactic(stereotaxic) surgery is performed through small hole in skull & guided by CT scanningallows operations on lesions of the brain located precisley not to injure adjacent tissues
stereotactic surgeryused in advance
removal of cystsusuwanie cyst
cataract surgeryoperacja zaćmy
cataract surgery+cysts surgery+biopsydo not require overnight or longer stay in hospital,same-day surgery
same-day surgeryoperacja 1dnia= out patient/ambulatory surgery
surgery (place)place where doctors see patients
undergo surgerybyć poddanym operacji
operation doneprzeprowadzić operacje
minor/major operationmała/duża operacja
doctor operate on patient for eg.cholecystitisdoctor przeprowadza operacje na pacjencie z powodu....
surgical glovesrękawiczki
surgical scrubsoutfit lekarza na operacje
varicose veinsżylaki kończyn dolnych
anastmosepołączyć, attach 2 arteries or tubes together
approximatebring closer together
clampzacisnąć/compress, hold tightly
dissectciąć/ separate by cutting
dividecut and separate tissues
drapeobkładać, cover the patient before surgical procedure leaving operation site uncovered
excisewyciąć,cut out, remove
exposelay open
graspchwycić, take and keep a firm hold of
incisenaciąć, cut
insertput into
irrigateprzepłukać/wash out wound or body cavity with a flow of water or other fluid
lancenacinać/cut or incise with a lancet (boil-wrzód/czyrak, abscess-ropień)
ligatepodwiązać, tiff off a duct or blood vessel to prevent blood flow during surgery
mobilizemake mobile
paintcover with coloured antiseptic
resectremove surgically part of an organ or body
retractudrożnić,pull and hold back edges of incision
suturestitch wounds
transectcut transvesly