Anaesthesia | Blocks the sensation of pain/induces a loss of consciousness |
General anaesthesia | Renders patient unconcious |
Before general anaesthesia | O2 delivered through the face mask |
Anaesthesia induced(wprowadzona) | With an intravenous agent |
While patient is asslep | Anaesthetic is withdrawn(usunięty,wyprowdzony) |
Anaesthesia maitained | With inhaled or voltile anaesthetic (lotny,w stanie g) |
Inhaled/Voltile anaesthetic | Administrated through endotracheal tube |
Consciousness | Świadomość |
Unconsciousness | Brak świadomości |
Fatigued | Feeling after operation, asleep |
Wear of | Stop working (e.g. Anaesthetic) |
Clearheded state | Trzeźwy umysł |
Depress in circulation | Spowolnić krążenie |
Drop in BP | Spadek ciśnienia |
Conscious sedation | Patient awake but drowsy, no pain, no memory |
Regional /Block/Conduction anaesthesia | Part of body is insensitive to pain, nerves blocked |
Brachial block anaesthesia | Blok splotu ramiennego |
Block of lower part | By injecting anaest into the epidural space |
Regional anaesthesia (patient can move limbs) | Numbs(odrętwiać) patient waist down but patient conscious |
Epidural anaesthesia | Epidural block, znieczulenie oponowe |
Epidural block | Used in labour,injection into subarachnoid space |
Spinal anaesthesia(lower back surgery,appendicetomy) | Used for repairing fractures of lowe limb, |
Local anaesthesia | Loss of sensation,by injection,ointment,spray |
Sedative | Lek na uspokojenie |
Dehiscence | Wound open after surgery |
Episiotomy | Nacięcie krocza |
-otomy | Cutting |
-ectomy | Removal of problem |
-oscopy | Viewing part of the body |
Dehiscence | Wound open after surgery/spliting edges/rozchodzące się rany |
Tracheotomy | Cutting trachea |
Lobotomy | Cutting lobes |
Gastrotomy | Cutting stomach |
Episiotomy | Incision of perineum(krocze) |
Sternotomy | Incision of sternum |
Appendectomy | Removal of appendix |
Lumpectomy | Removing part of brest, small tumour |
Mastectomy | Removing whole brest&lymph nodes |
Cholecystectomy | Removal of gallbladder |
Colonoscopy | Viewing large intestine |
Bronchoscopy | Viewing lungs |
Hysteroscopy | Viewing uterus(macica) |
-plasty | Plastyka |
Dermoplasty | Plastyka skóry |
Angioplasty | Plastyka naczyń |
Z-plasty | Scars(cicatrix) redcution |
Mitral valve plasty | Plastyka zastawki 2dzielnej |
Excruciating pain | Powalajacy/rodzielajacy ból |
Blood stained discharge/mucous | Wydzielina z krwią |
Leukorrhea | Thick wihite vaginal discharge/upławy |
A cervical smear test/Pap smear | Wymaz z szyjki macicy |
Curettage | Łyżeczkowanie |
Cryoteraphy | Krioterapia |
Laser treatment | Leczenie laserem |
Malignant | Złośliwy |
Squamous cell carcinomas | Nowotwory płaskonabłonkowe |
Symptoms | Given by patients,eye visible |
Signs | Based on lab results/little signs not given by patient |
Carcinoma of the cervix | Rak szyjki macicy |
Bowel habits | Stool freqency & consistency |
Grieving | Opłakiwanie |
Emotional numbness | Odrętwienie/loosing sensations |
1.Denial | To refuse/deny sth/wyparcie/zaprzeczenie |
2.Anger | Złość |
3.Bargan/Barganing | Negotiation |
4.Depression | Depresja |
5.Acceptance | Accepting/dealing with situation |
Attentuation | Rozcieńczenie |
A recurrence | Relapse |
Adjacent tissue | Surrounding |
Carcinoma in situ/cis | Not cancer yet but in 1 site/lesion |
Stage 0 | Pre cancerous stage |
Bening | Łagodny |
Sarcoma | Mięsak |
Myeloma | Szpiczak |
Leukaemia/Leukemia | Białaczka |
Lymphoma | Chłoniak |
Counsellor | Clinical psychologist |
Coal tar | Smoła pogazowa |
Contraindication | Przeciwskazania |
Thromboembolism | Zakrzepica z zatorem |
Saline | Sól fizjologiczna |
Recipient | Biorca |
Living/deceased donor | Żyjący/nie żyjący dawca |
Operation done/performed | Wykonać operacje |
Adjacent | Przyległy |
Cholecystitis | Inflamation of gallbladder |
Compresion tights | Surgical stockings (rajstopy uciskowe) |
Purse | String |
Continous suture | Szew ciągły |
Single interupted suture | Szew pojedyńczy węzełkowy |
Sedatives | Leki usookajające |
Blocking the sensation of pain | No pain |
Induce | Wprowadzać |
Consciousness | Stan świadomości |
Transmural inflammatory disease | Przezbłonowe zapalenie |
Aetiology | Cause or orgin |
Incidence | Zapadalność |
Prevelance | Rozpowszechnienie |
Onset | The beggining of the disease |
Abrupt | Pojawiać się nagle |
Insidious | Ukryty |
Presenting features | Reason for making appointment |
Present to doctor | Go to doctor |
First/initial/tentative/provisional diagnosis | Wstępna diagnoza |
Flare up | Aktywować się |
ESR | OB |
Differential diagnoses | Różnicujące diagnozy |
Definitive diagnosis | Ostateczna diagnoza |
Precancerous stage | stadium przednowotworowe |
HPV | Human papilloma virus |
Asymptomatic | Bezobjawowy |
Punch biopsy | Biopsja trepanem |
Primipara | Pierworódka |
Primigravida | Kobieta w 1 ciąży |
Pierce | Przebić/przekłuć |
Nullipara | Nieródka |
Nulligravida | Kobieta, która nigdy nie była w ciązy |
Hysterecromy | Wycięcie macicy/histerektomia |
Conization | Wycięcie stożka tkanki z szyjki macicy/konizacja |
Colposcopy | Kolposkopia/oglądanie szyjki macicy przy użyciu oświetlającego istrumentu |
Carcinoma | Rak |
Antineoplastic | Środek przeciwnowotworowy |
Adenexa | Przydatki |
Adenocarcinoma | Gruczolakorak/rak gruczołowy |
Colitis | Zapalenie okrężnicy |
Colonoscopy | Kolonoskopia/wziernikowanie okrężnicy |
Colostomy | Wytworzenie przetoki okrężniczo-skórnej, kolostomia |
Faeces | Kał/stolec |
Laparotomy | Otwarcie jamy brzusznej |
Polyposis | Polipowatość |
Rectoscopy | Wziernikowanie odbytnicy |
Specimen | Sample |
Antineoplastic drugs | Chemotherapy |
Cheatle's forceps | Handle sterile instruments |
Artery forceps | Control bleeding |
Michel's clip-removing forceps | Remove clips (zszywki) |
Dissecting forceps | Remove dressings |
Suture scissors | Remove stiches |
Wound probe | Sonda/explore wounds |
Lister's bandage scissors | Cut bandages |
Scalpel | Make incisions |
Needle holder | Handle needles |
Retractors | Expose deeper structures |
Non crushing climp | Compress or retain a grip of a grasped suture |
metastasis/metastases | Przerzut/przerzuty |
Palliative care | Opieka paliatywna |
Fractions | Serie np radioterpii |
Full mastectomy | Removal of whole brest & lymph nodes from armpit |
Mastectomy: | Safer,removes more tissue, brest can be replaced with implant |
Lumpectomy | Removal of tissue & lymph nodes around tumour |
Lumpectomy: | Chemotherapy & radiotherapy after, loose of hair |
CIS | In situ, lesion which is not tumour yet |
OSG | Overal stage grouping |
OSG stage I | Localized in one body part, curable |
OSG II & III | Cancer spread to local lymph nodes |
OSG IV | Metastasized and incurable |
TNM | Tumour, node, metastasis |
TNM T | Size of primary tumour: 0-4 |
TNM N | Extent to which local lymph nodes are involved: 0-4 |
TNM M | Metastasis: 0- no metastaisis, 1- metastases present |
T1N2M0 | Small tumour (T1) Spread to local lymph nodes (N2) but not to distant parts of the body (M0) |
Carcinogen | Czynnik wywołujący nowotwór |
Anastmosis | Zespolenie |
Scrub | Przygotować część ciała do operacji |
Drape | Przykryć/zasłonić/osłonić do operacji |
Irrigate | Udrożnić |
Adhesive strips | Stripy(rodzaj opatrunku) |
Cerebrovascular | Naczyniowo-mózgowy |
Certify | Zaświadczyć |
Chamber | Komora |
Compatible | Zgodny |
Contraindicate | Przeciwskazać |
Current | Prąd/powszechny/aktualny |
facilitate | Ułatwić |
Hyperactivity | Nadczynność |
Immunosuppressant | Środek immunosupresyjny |
Mortality | Śmiertelność |
Rejection | Odrzucenie |
Certified brain death | Stwierdzona śmierć mózgu |
surgery:branch of medicine which treats injuries and conditions by methods which involve opening, | manipulating and repairing a part of the body |
surgical excision | wycięgie |
surgically removed | usunięcie opreacyjne |
recurrent attacks | nawracające ataki |
Bypass surgery | skip over(bypass) the blocked or narrowed area by attaching an a or part of v to a coronary a |
Arterial bypass grafts | taken from a site in a chest,arm or leg |
transplant surgery | performed to replace a diseaded organ,tissue with organ from donor |
organs that can be transplant | cornea, heart, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas, small intestine, bone marrow |
living consenting donor (żyjący,wyrażający zgodę dawca) | can donate liver,lung,kidney |
harvested(pobrane) from deceased donor | hearts, lungs, corneas, livers, pancreases |
deceased | people who had recently died |
skin grafting | przeszczep skóry; skin from buttocsk or upper part of tigh |
arthritic | artretyczny |
replaced | zastąpić (prosthetic devices made of metal, plastic, porcelain) |
reattach | przyłączyć/przyszyć eg. fingers |
to sever | oderwany, odcięty eg. palec |
exploratory surgery | eg. abdomen is opened and examined when needed organs removed/repaired |
diagnostic surgery | to confirm diagnosis |
biopsy | specimen tissue is removed |
palliative surgery | relieve/reduce intensity of condition eg. pain when not possible to cure |
emergency surgery | as qucik as possible in case of internal bleeding etc |
urgent surgery | eg. removal of acutely inflamed appendix, within 24-28 h |
elective surgery | eg. hip replacement, planned in advance, delay has no ill effects |
laparoscopic surgery | abdomen inflated with CO2 to lift wall away from ograns |
punctures(ports) | small key hole points for trocars to be inserted into abdomen |
trocar | trokar, to co wsadzają żeby stworzyć kanał |
a laparoscope | viewing instrument |
laparoscopic surgery is used for appendicectomy, cholecystectomy, | hernia repair (przepuklina), colon and antireflux procedures |
open procedures | surgery |
laparoscopic surgery is less invasive,incisions are smaller | less post opperative pain & disability,shorter hospital stay, quciker recovery |
key-hole surgery of joints | arthroscopic surgery |
key-hole surgery of chest | thoracoscopic surgery |
stereotactic(stereotaxic) surgery is performed through small hole in skull & guided by CT scanning | allows operations on lesions of the brain located precisley not to injure adjacent tissues |
stereotactic surgery | used in advance |
removal of cysts | usuwanie cyst |
cataract surgery | operacja zaćmy |
cataract surgery+cysts surgery+biopsy | do not require overnight or longer stay in hospital,same-day surgery |
same-day surgery | operacja 1dnia= out patient/ambulatory surgery |
surgery (place) | place where doctors see patients |
undergo surgery | być poddanym operacji |
operation done | przeprowadzić operacje |
minor/major operation | mała/duża operacja |
doctor operate on patient for eg.cholecystitis | doctor przeprowadza operacje na pacjencie z powodu.... |
surgical gloves | rękawiczki |
surgical scrubs | outfit lekarza na operacje |
varicose veins | żylaki kończyn dolnych |
anastmose | połączyć, attach 2 arteries or tubes together |
approximate | bring closer together |
clamp | zacisnąć/compress, hold tightly |
dissect | ciąć/ separate by cutting |
divide | cut and separate tissues |
drape | obkładać, cover the patient before surgical procedure leaving operation site uncovered |
excise | wyciąć,cut out, remove |
expose | lay open |
grasp | chwycić, take and keep a firm hold of |
incise | naciąć, cut |
insert | put into |
irrigate | przepłukać/wash out wound or body cavity with a flow of water or other fluid |
lance | nacinać/cut or incise with a lancet (boil-wrzód/czyrak, abscess-ropień) |
ligate | podwiązać, tiff off a duct or blood vessel to prevent blood flow during surgery |
mobilize | make mobile |
paint | cover with coloured antiseptic |
resect | remove surgically part of an organ or body |
retract | udrożnić,pull and hold back edges of incision |
suture | stitch wounds |
transect | cut transvesly |
Drowsinesse | Senność |