dwelling | a place of living, apartment, house | |
on an equal footing | equally to sb, on the same conditions | |
privilege | a special right | |
urge | force to do sth | |
handle problems | deal with, cope | |
capability | ability | |
pay wages (to the army) | pay compensation | |
struck a balance | to find a satisfactory compromise between two extremes | |
unwise | foolish, imprudent | |
enact | make into a law | |
nulify | to make invalid (having no legal force) | |
dispute | to argue, express disagreement | |
make treaties | conclude agreement | |
judgeship | the position of judge | |
approve (treaty) | confirm, consider right or good | |
confirm (the appointments) | support | |
go into effect | become legal, used in life | |
discern | distinguish | |
tripartite system | the system consisting of 3 parts | |
governmental stasis | balance, motionless | |
gridlock | complete lack of movement, stagnation | |
ratify | to confirm/ approve and give formal sanction | |
misgiving | feeling of uncertainty, doubt | |
explicitly | fully and clearly expressed, leaving no doubt | |
collectively | combined, in conjunction with | |
assemble | call/ gather together | |
firearms | a weapon, especially gun, pistol | |
speak for sb | speak as a representative of sb | |
to outlaw | prohibit | |
in favor of | for sth | |
legislatures | a body of legislation | |
put sth into effect | bring into power | |
term | the period/ time of ruling | |
district | a division of area as for administrative purposes | |
home state | the state you live | |
census | official enumeration of population | |
populous | having many inhabitatnts | |
staggered | stable, firm, solid | |
stand for election | maintain an upright position | |
dissent from | disagree with, differ in opinion | |
color-blind | not recognizing racial or class distinctions | |
deliberately | intetionally | |
violated | profaned | |
overrule | to reject or annul | |
vindicated | cleared, free from guilt, evil | |
undermine | weaken, impair | |
endeavors | conscientious effort, attempt, pursuit | |
opponent | sb against, in opposition of sth | |
overturn | destroy, invalidate | |