wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Grądzia 3 częśći ciała i phrasale różne
autor: aviete
dodaj do moich zestawów
cost an arm and legbe very expensive (body)
see eye to eyeget on with each other
keep a straight facelook serious
put your foot downsay no to sth
can't facedont feel like, feel unable to
get your head aroundunderstand
keep an eye onpay attention to sth
put your foot in sthsay the wrong thing
catch your eyeattract your attention
face to facevery close to
get cold feet aboutchange your mind
break awayescape from
break ininterrupt// enter a building by force
break offend sth suddenly
break outstart suddenly (violate events)// loose control of feelings
break downfail to function
break withgive up sth
break throughmake a discovery// appear
break upend a relationship
become ofhappen to
blink atshow surprise at
bank outdepend on
blow overstop
book upreserve
bear outsupport the truth of
blow upexplode
brush upimprove
build upcollect
black and blue all overcovered with bruises
behind barsin prison
full of beansvery lively
drop a brickdo/ say sth tackless
browned offfed up
brainwavesudden, clever idea
out of the bluesuddenly and unexpectadly
break evenshow neither loss nor profit
cost a bombbe very expensive (no body)
by and largeon the whole
in cold bloodwith no emotions
beat about/ around the bushavoid saying directly
take the bull by the hornsmeet with the challenge without hesitance
ring as bellseem familiar/ remind sb about sth
lay barereveal
blue-eyed boyfavourite child
(hang) in the balance(be) uncertain
be brokehave no money
in sbs black booksunpopular
make a clean breast of sthconfesss th
bolt from the bluecome suddenly
in black and whitein the written form
kick the bucketdie
get your own backtake revenge
blessing in disguisesth positive, although seeming negative at the beginning
make sbs blood boilmake sb agressive, angry
feel sth in your bonesfeel instinctively
bark up the wrong treemake mistake
butter the boss upflatter to a boss
hold your breathewait impatiiently
caught red-handedcaught while doing sth bad
deal a blow todestroy
by and largeon the whole, generally speaking
see the backsee sb leaving
chip off the old blocksb similar to the one of hisparents
a wet blanketsb spoiling sbs fun
big-headedconceited, too self cofindent
above boardan honest person
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