take care | of | |
consistent | with | |
belong | to | |
aimed | at | |
agreeable | to | |
careless | about | |
bored | with | |
concentrated | on | |
confined | to | |
apprehensive | about/ of (worried, afraid) | |
bear | with (be patient enough) | |
choice | in | |
for sale | na sprzedaż | |
absorbed by | wchłonięty (soaked) | |
absorbed in | involved | |
in possesion of | having sth | |
in the possesion of | owned by | |
to meddle with | interfere with objects | |
to meddle in | interfere in some situation (wtrącać się) | |
advise sb of | inform sb | |
advise sb on | give advice | |
at hand | coming soon | |
in hand | being dealt with | |
support sb with | provide help with sth | |
support sb in | help in particular situation | |
on sight | seeable | |
by sight | z widzeinia | |
respond with | react in particular way | |
respond to | react in particular situation | |
blow up at sb | be very angry with sb | |
baffeled | very confused | |
coincide with | be at the same time | |
heal | treat injures | |
lean meat | not fat meat | |
decomposed | dead body is......... | |
twittering | birds talks | |
howling | wolfs/ dogs long bark | |
executed | be said guilty after the trial | |
crumbs | pieces of bread | |
grated | pieced cheese | |
fade | disappear (about hair colour) | |
toss a coin | decide using a coin | |
copy | make the same picture | |
squirm | with embarrassment (wiercić się) | |
to concede | a defeat (przyznać się do porażki) | |
to devour | a meal (pochłonąć) | |
to raze | a city (zrównać z ziemią) | |
to crop | the grass (cut) | |
to exterminate | a race of people (wyniszczyć) | |
to interrupt | a speech (wtrącać się) | |
to flout | the law (lekceważyć) | |
to immitate | sbs behaviour (naśladować) | |
to heal | a wound (wyleczyć) | |
be cruel to | to treat sb badly | |
on the spur of the moment | without planning | |
be different from | be not the same | |
be a mixed blessing | have good and bad points | |
drive a hard bargain in sth | succed in making a profit | |
to have a bee in your bonnet | have an obsession about | |
have butterflies in stomach | be very nervous | |
aim | of | |
Too many cooks | spoil the broth. | |
A stitch in time | saves nine. | |
A bird in the hand | is worth two in the bush. | |
Too many chiefs | but not enough Indians. | |
The early bird | catches the worm. | |
Make hay | when the sun shines. | |
Every cloud | has a silver lining. | |
It never rains | but it pours. | |
Theres no use | crying over spilt milk. | |
Actions speak | louder than words. | |
layman | amator | |
inscribed with | zapisane | |
decipher | rozszyfrować | |
extra-terrestial | pozaziemski | |