wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: mglin99
demandingneeding a lot of effort and skill
flusterednervous and confused, especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry
bizarrevery strange or unusual
approacha way of doing or thinking about something
rather thaninstead of
crushto destroy somebody's confidence
recruitment agencya specialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies
job seekerspeople who are looking for a job
think on their feetto be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparations
flappingmoving something quickly up and down
self-confidentpewny sb
well-balanceddobrze wyważony
good-temperedłagodny, spokojny
open-mindedo szerokich poglądach
narrow-mindedo wąskich horyzontach
strong-willedo silnej woli
self-centredegoistyczny, skupiony na sb
life-threatingsomething very serious, which could kill you
mouth ulcera small blister in the mouth that can be very paintful, but is not serious
alternative remediesways of curing illnesses that are not traditional medicine
under the weathernot feeling very well
cancera serious illness in which maligant cells form in the body and kill normal body cells
infectionan illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus
heart ratethe speed at which your heart beats
surgerythe medical treatment of an illness or injury that involves an operation
pulsethe number of times your heart beats in a minute
tumora group of cells that are growing in a place where they should not be
miracle curessuccessful treatments for illnesses that were thought to be impossible to cure
treat youbehave towards you
break downloose control over feelings
been troughexperienced
deal withsolve a problem or do a task
be readybe prepared
devoted entirely topoświęcony całkowicie
domestic crisiskryzys w domu
walks of lifewszystkie dziedziny życia
maternity wardsoddział macierzyński
hired bywynajęta
spill a drinkrozlać
ubdate recordsuaktualnianie
approachezbliżać się
needle and threatigła z nitką