demanding | needing a lot of effort and skill |
flustered | nervous and confused, especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry |
bizarre | very strange or unusual |
approach | a way of doing or thinking about something |
rather than | instead of |
crush | to destroy somebody's confidence |
recruitment agency | a specialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies |
job seekers | people who are looking for a job |
think on their feet | to be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparations |
flapping | moving something quickly up and down |
big-headed | przemądrzały |
self-confident | pewny sb |
well-balanced | dobrze wyważony |
bad-tempered | wybuchowy |
good-tempered | łagodny, spokojny |
open-minded | o szerokich poglądach |
narrow-minded | o wąskich horyzontach |
absent-minded | roztargniony |
easy-going | niefrasobliwy |
laid-back | wyluzowany |
tight-fisted | skąpy |
two-faced | dwulicowy |
strong-willed | o silnej woli |
self-centred | egoistyczny, skupiony na sb |
life-threating | something very serious, which could kill you |
mouth ulcer | a small blister in the mouth that can be very paintful, but is not serious |
alternative remedies | ways of curing illnesses that are not traditional medicine |
under the weather | not feeling very well |
cancer | a serious illness in which maligant cells form in the body and kill normal body cells |
infection | an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus |
heart rate | the speed at which your heart beats |
surgery | the medical treatment of an illness or injury that involves an operation |
pulse | the number of times your heart beats in a minute |
tumor | a group of cells that are growing in a place where they should not be |
miracle cures | successful treatments for illnesses that were thought to be impossible to cure |
treat you | behave towards you |
break down | loose control over feelings |
been trough | experienced |
deal with | solve a problem or do a task |
be ready | be prepared |
glancing | spoglądać |
devoted entirely to | poświęcony całkowicie |
domestic crisis | kryzys w domu |
walks of life | wszystkie dziedziny życia |
boom | boom |
maternity wards | oddział macierzyński |
hired by | wynajęta |
spill a drink | rozlać |
ubdate records | uaktualnianie |
approache | zbliżać się |
spokesperson | rzecznik |
ensure | zapewniać |
drowsiness | senność |
indispensable | niezastąpionym |
needle and threat | igła z nitką |
aversion | awersja |