make a common cause with sb | act together to achieve aim |
rise to the challenge | act an be successful even though sth is new |
give chapter and verse | give every exact detail |
hold/keep in check | control; prevent from becoming to powerful |
big cheese | person with important job/position |
take sth on the chin | bravely accept criticism |
chop and change | keep changing (your mind) |
strike a chord | make sb feel sympathy/enthusiasm |
claim to fame | thing which makes sb unusual |
come clean | admit the truth, confess |
steer/stay clear of | avoid sb |
part company with | end association |
of no/little consequence | of no value/importance |
cut corners | be less thorough |
not all it's cracked up to be | not as good as people say it is |
cramp one's style | restrict one's behavior in some way |
squirm with embarassment | skręcać się ze wstydu? |
heal a wound | leczyć ranę |
concede defeat | przyznać się do porażki |
devour a meal | pochłonąć posiłek |
raze a city | zdemolować miasto |
mow the grass | kosić trawę |
interrupt a speech | przerwać przemowę |
flout the law | zlekceważyć prawo |
imitate sb's behavior | naśladować czyjes zachowanie |
dry sense of humour | ironiczne poczucie humoru |
pay a visit | złożyć wizytę |
word of advice | rada |