wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Nature's Fury UNIT 13
autor: asiczek
The top of the mountain was BLOWN off by an explosion...zdmuchnięty
Then the TREMENDOUS heat inside was released.ogromne
White ash, along with STEAM and thick mud.para
White ash, along with steam and thick MUD.błoto
... continue to POUR from the giant crater left by the explosion.wlewać
AT EACH STAGE of this dramatic eruption people have been killed.na etapie
At each stage of this dramatic eruption PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED.ludzie giną od jakiegoś czasu
The explosion CAUSED the first casualties.spowodować
The explosion caused the first CASUALTIES.ofiary
... several people were injured or died DUE TO the force and heat od it.z powodu
... several people were injured or died due to the FORCE and heat od it.siła
fire-fighters have managed to PUT most of them OUT.ugasić
More VICTIMS are expected to be found durning the next few days.ofiary
One WITNESS said that...świadek
The people of Clark country are learning to COPE WITH nature's fury.radzić