wordki.pl - nauka słówek
verb forms
autor: pankulek
I hope (find) some interesting reading in the new bookshop.to find
What you (do) this evening, John?are you doing
We (go) to the theatre tonight.are going
He will see you as soon as Mr Brown (leave).leaves
Jane (watch) TV for hours; that's why her eyes are red.has been watching
Unless John (try) harder, he won't get this job.tries
Stop (make) that terrible noise!making
Don't shout unless you (want) to be arrested.want
Look! It's Francis! I (not see) him for ages!haven't seen
I (fall) asleep when somebody (break) the glass in our front door.had fallen; broke
No one ever (speak) to me like that.has ever spoken
I (wait) for them for an hour now. I can't wait any longer.have been waiting
Jim ought (learn) languages if he (want) to get a job with an international company.to learn; wants
Don't phone me at 8:00 - I (watch) BONANZA then.will be watching
My birthday (fall) on a Saturday next year.falls
Last month the president announced that his office (expand).had expanded
"It's midnight! Where you (be)?" "I (test) the new pub on the corner."have you been; was testing
I couldn't see what everybody (stare) at.was staring
They were afraid of (jump) off the high wall.jumping
We will turn the TV off when our guest (come).come
(watch) TV is my may of relaxing.watching
As soon as my brother (finish) school he is going to join the army.has finished
I've always enjoyed (meet) new people.meeting
I haven't seen John since we both (leave) college.left
I haven't decided yet but I (think) of setting up my own business.am thinking
An accident? No, I (not see) anything. I (listen) to Chopin all evening.didn't see; was listening
Don't let the children (eat) too much ice-cream.eat
I (study) Engish for some months now and I (not discover) anything really difficult so far.have been studying; have't discovered
Dr Racula, who disappeared ast month, (do) a few controversial experiments.had done
Jane promised (teach) me how to make an omelette.to teach
She (work) for me ever since she (leave) school.has been working; left
Would you recommend (send) Jim to Cambridge?sending
I wish I (have) a bigger breakfast. I am hungry now.had had
If you (peel) potatoes, I (chop) the carrots.peel; will chop
She always (bite) het nails. I can't stand this habit of hers.is always biting
When you (finish) this test - please, leave it with me.finish
I cannot afford (buy) this house.to buy
As soon as I (finish) what I (do), I (go) to bed.finish; am doing; will go
When the house (be) painted, it will look different.is painted
It would be rude (not invite) him.not to invite
Nothing (change) since you (leave).has changed; left
I (see) him last week, but I (not see) him since then.saw; haven't seen
You (can) speak English better if you study hard.can
I (work) at the crossword puzzle for over an hour, but I (make) very little progress so far.have been working; have made
Does he enjoy (live) in Paris?living
If it (freeze) tonight, the roads (be) slippery tommorow.freezes; will be
Paul (study) medicine for some years when we first met.had been studying
Over two hundred people (invite) to the conference we are going to attend.have been invited
I'm sorry, I'm not used to (eat) fatty food.eating
I saw her husband (talk) to a strange girl in the park.talking
My mother would have been ngry if we (not phone) her.hadn't phoned
She wanted to know where I usually (park) my car.parked
Mr Jackson was accused of (murder) his boss.murdering
The flat they moved into (devastate) by its previous owners.had been devastated
While the president (fly) to Canada his plane (fall) into the sea.was flying; fell
Peter shouldn't worry about the test next week. I told him that it (be) easy and he (have) plenty ofwould be; would have
Mark is hopessly in love with Ann. If he (not be) so much in love, he (not buy) her flowers every dawasn't; wouldn't buy
Look! He is dirty all over his face! I think he (eat) chocolate. I wonder how much he (eat).has been eating; has eaten
I heard him (shout) "HELP" and then he disappeared.shout
When Marilyn (arrive) at the party she already (have) a few drinks, so she was't able to walk straigarrived; had already had
Imagine! At this time tommorow we (travel) to Paris with nothing to worry about.will be traveling
I realized that my parents (adopt) me and my brotherhad adopted
We didn't know at the time that we (stop) by police a few hours later.would be stopped
Mary used to (study) very hard when she was at school.study
Our teachers seem (like) (give) us bad bad marks.to like giving
If I (be) a dog, I (bite) my neighbour's terrier.were; would bite
I wish my parents (give) me more freedom when I was a child.had given
Greorge is so unhappy. He wishes he (be) a film star.was
My boyfriend made me (kiss) him in front of the whole family.kiss
It's getting late. It's high time we (go) home.were going
It (believe) that women are stronger than men.is believed
Professor Jones is expected (arrive) late for the ceremony.to arrive
When World War 2 began Hitler (rule) Germany for six years.had been ruling
I used (smoke) a lot but I (change) my lifestyle recently.to smoke; have changed
I (not hit) my wife if she (not dance) with that handsome guy all night.wouldn't have hit; hadn't danced
Oh, dear, this weather is awful. I wish it (change).would change
She never (go) to that party if she (know) that Stephan (be) there.would never have gone; had known; would be
I wish I (not tell) him. Now everyone will know.hadn't told
What do you think of his (marry) that girl?marrying
At this time tomorrow I (swim) in the lake.will be swimming
Could you make him (stop) (sing)?stop singing
Let's begin by (read) this poem.reading
Barnie died of (drink) too much.drinking
If you (tell) me about it ealier, I (help) you straight away.had told; would have helped
He stopped (have) a cigarette and talk to his friend.to have
I can't afford (buy) a computer.to buy
I wish you (wait) for me. I hope you will.would wait
If only we (have) a light. It's depressing to wait in the dark.had
It was the drug, not the disease that killed him. He (be) still alive today if he (not take) it.would still be; hadn't taken
If James (do) a he was told, he (not be) in trouble.had done; wouldn't be
When they (come) into kitche, they (be) dirty because they (play) in the garden.came; were; had been playing
I am looking forward to (meet) you.meeting
I wish the dogs would stop (bark).barking
Nothing (do) to help him since he (take) to hospital.has been done; was taken
I would rather (go) with you than (stay) at home.go; stay
I wish I (be) there now.were
I (wait) for more than an hour when he finally (arrive).had been waiting; arrived
I would rather you (talk) to her.talked
It's time we (finish) writing this book. People (wait) for it.finished; are waiting
If you (come) to the party last week, you (meet) a charming girl.had come; would have met
She stopped by the news stand (buy) the morning paper.to buy
I wish I (not invite) him for my birthday party.hadn't invited
You had better (open) the window. It's incredibly hot in here.open
If only there (be) peace in the world!was
Aunt Grace is looking forward to (retire) next spring.retiring
Sheila (not have) a holiday since she (come) to Bristol. She wishes she (take) one last August.hasn't had; came; had taken
Would you mind (not smoke) here?not smoking
If she (drive) more carefully yesterday, she (not cause) that accident.had driven; wouldn't caused
I would like (can) (play) tennis like Steffi Graff.to be able to play
I saw him (cross) the street, but he was too far away to speak to.crossing
I wish I (be) more careful when I did my homework.had been
If they (behave) well at the party, the landlady (not be) so upset now.had behaved; wouldn't be
He (go) on saying the same thing again and agin until we were sick of (hear) it.went; hearing
If only I (know) ealier.had known
I am sure Helen won't mind (look) after the children.looking
I am not used to (be) told what to do.being
She looks tired. She must (work) hard last night.have worked
It was my mistake. I shouldn't (date) two girls at the same time.have dated
When I lived in America I got used to (leave) my door open at night.leaving
She speaks German very well. She might (spend) a few years in Germany.have spend
Be careful. I'd rather you (not drop) everything on the floor.didn't drop
I wish you (not keep) (pour) hot tea down my neck.wouldn't keep pouring
I can't go out now. Suppose my manager (come) in?comes
At the end of this month Mrs Parsons (work) here for exactly 25 years.will have been working
I am so cold that I can't help (shiver).shivering
In the year 2000 George Bernard Shaw (be) dead for 50 years.will have been
If you dislike (peel) onions, try (hold) them under water while (do) it.peeling; holding; doing
Your stocking need (mend).mending
I feel like (fly).flying
I caught him (read) my letters. Fancy him (do) a thing like that.reading; doing
He says he doesn't remember (promise) (help) you.promising to help
I can't help (feel) sorry for the hungry children of Somalia.feeling
(See) that there (be) very little time left, Mike (get) (dress) as quickly as he (can).seeing; was; got; dressed; could