wordki.pl - nauka słówek
med vocab set 3
autor: agata
circumoralaround or near the mouth
dextrocardialocation of the heart IN the right hemithorax
extraperitonealsituated outside the peritoneal cavity
infradiaphragmaticinferior to the diaphragm
intercostalsituated between the ribs
intragastricoccuring within the stomach
JUXTAARTICULARsituated near the joint or in the region of the joint
paravertebralbeside the vertebral column
percutaneousperformed through the skin
perilobarsurrounding the lobe
postrenallocated behind the kidney
retropharynxposterior part to the pharynx
subpulmonaryoccuring below the lungs
suprathoracicsituated superior to the thorax
transthoracicperformed through the wall of the thorax or through the thoracic cavity