wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ljasinski
failurecase of sth not working - usterka, awaria
defectivemeans with a mistake or fault in it - wadliwy
packagingthe box or wrapping in which a product is - opakowanie
faultynot working correcty or made correctly - wadliwy
retainis to gather, collect - zachowywać, zatrzymać, gromadzić
refundis when we get our money back for the product - zwrot pieniędzy
replacementis when we get new product - wymiana, zastąpienie
defectis a mistake or fault - defekt
faulta feature of something that makes it less good - wada
damagedharmed or spoiled - uszkodzony
shippingis the synonym for dispatch - wysyłka
go wrongmeans that something goes not according to the plan - pójść źle, popsuć się
misunderstandinga problem in communication - nieporozumienie
misunderstandto understand incorrectly - źle coś zrozumieć
out of ordernot working - niesprawny, uszkodzony, zepsuty
unreliablesb on whom we cannot rely -niepewny, niesolidny
incompatiblesth that doesn't fit - niekompatybilny, niepasujący
sth is downmeans that sth doesn't work, is damaged - coś nie działa
buga defect in the code of a computer program - błąd w systemie, robak