wordki.pl - nauka słówek
authorities : customs (urząd celny) & police
autor: KingaK
landing cardform with your personal details and date of arrival
customs declaration formform showing how much mone and goods you are carying
vaccination certificateproving you have had the necessary health injections
entry restrictionsrules about who can enter a country
spot/random checkschecks done without warning
sniffer dogsspecially trained dogs
clear customstake your bags through customs
port of entryport of airport you first entry
seek political asylumpermission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution
econimic migrantspeople who try to enter from poorer countries
traffic offenceswykroczenia drogowe / formal word for illegal action
on-the-spot finefixed sumfine payable at the time and place you commit the offence
fixed penaltyfixed sum payable for particular offence
parking ticketspapers placed on driver's winscreens fining them for illegal parking
make a statementsay what happened and sign a copy of it/ składac zeznania
stop-and-searchpower to stop people and search them in the street
surveillance camerasmonitoring
search warranta legal document authorizing a police officer or other official to enter and search premises
security forcesoften army & police together
plain clothes/undercover policepolice who don't wear uniform
paramilitary policepolice more like soldiers
drug squadpolice to fight illegal drug trade
anti-corruptionpolice trained to fight bribery , corruption