wordki.pl - nauka słówek
The Day of Independence in India15.08.1947
When did UK join EUnie przystapiła
How many square kilometres did UK have42 mln km2
The Prime Minister of UK since 1979-1990Margaret Thatcher
Who is the head of Commonwealthmonarcha brytyjski
The most populous colony in 1946Indie
The Prime Minister in 1997Tony Blair
Which Party wanted UK to enter EEC i 60'sPartia Pracy
When did Great Britain enter the eurozonenie weszli do strefy euro
When did they join EEC1973
Who did they flight for Falklands with?Argentyna
The first Prime Minister after Second World WarClement Attlee
The first black kolonyZłote Wybrzeże-Ghana
Who did Great Britain with (the continent)Ameryka
The head od Great BritainElżbieta II
What was the most important aim of the EECzrównoważony rozwój krajów członkowskich
Special relationsship is the name for contacts of Uk withUsa
Which of the UK's Prime Ministers am first was striving for joining EECHarold Macmillan
UK to years not join EEC because of no permission fromFrancja
Who have UK bought the rackets fromUSA
niepodlegosc Szkocjinie uzyskała, nalezy do Zjednoczonego Krolestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Pn