murder | planing and causing sb's death | |
embezzlement | stealing money from the company you work | |
jaywalking | crossing the street | |
manslaughter | unintetionally causing sb's death | |
vandalism | destruction of public property | |
littering | leaving rubbish | |
fraud | gaining money through dishonest means | |
slander | publicly lying about sth | |
loitering with inetnt | remaining in a public place without an obvious reason | |
mugging | robbing sb in the street | |
libel | publishing lies about sb | |
kidnapping | holding sb against their will in order to gain sth | |
trespassing | illegally entering sb's property | |
judge | presides over the court of a law | |
prosecutor | acuses the guilty | |
constable | kind of police officer | |
probation officer | sb supervising the one on parole | |
solicitor | advisor working in office | |
barrister | represents the guilty in court | |
Justice of Peace | a judical officer with limited power, in a lower court | |
juror | seats in a court | |
minor | sb over 18 who commited a crime | |
court warning | ostrzeżenie | |
capital punishment | kara śmierci | |
prison term | okres pozbawienia wlności | |
parole | zwolnienie okresowe | |
fine | grzywna | |
community service | praca społeczna | |
probation | okres próbny dla kogoś wolnego | |
revocation of privilage | ograniczenie przywilejów | |
break out of prison | uciec z więzienia | |
make/ take a stand on/ against sth | przyjąć stanowisko za/ przeciw | |
make an arrest | zaaresztować | |
pay to one's crime | zapłacić za przestępstwo | |
make amends for | wnosić poprawki do | |
do one's bit | dostać za swoje | |
take the blame | przyznać się do winy | |
pay a fine/ penalty | zapłacić grzywnę/ karę | |
break/ pass a law | złamać/ uchwalić prawo | |
lay down the law | ustanowić prawo | |
do/ serve time in prison | odsiadywać wyrok w więzieniu | |
serve sb with a warrant | wystosować pozew przeciwko komuś | |
commit a crime | popełnić przestępstwo | |
plead guilty | przyznać się do winy 2 | |
reach a verdict | ogłosić werdykt | |
give evidence | wniść dowody/ dowód | |
foot the bill for sth | zapłacić rachunek za coś | |
on the fingers of society | na marginesie społeczestwa (?) | |
take the law into one's own hands | zrobić coś nielegalnego, niezgodnie z prawem | |
kill two birds with one stone | solve two problems with one simple action | |
throw oneself on the mercy of the court | to admit your fault in front of the court | |
bridge the generation gap | achieve an agreement between generations | |
the law of the jungle | natural law | |
rob Peter to pay Paul | borrow from one to pay the other | |
make a killing on sth | zbić na czymś fortunę | |
charity begins at home | first help your family... | |
legal advisor/ representative | doradca prawny | |
court case | rozprawa sądowa | |
court order | porządek sądowy | |
military law | prawo wojskowe | |
international law | prawo międzynarodowe | |
police inquiry | dochodzenie policyjne | |
police record | kartoteka policyjna | |
life sentence/ imprisonment | wyrok dożywocia | |
capital punishment | kara śmierci | |
severe punishment | surowa kara | |
do sth against one's better judgement | zrobić coś wbrew swojemu przekonaniu | |
go against the establishment | zrobić coś wbrew ustaleniom | |
race against the clock | walczyć/ ścigać się z czasem | |
do sth against sb's wishes | zrobić coś wbrew czyjejś woli | |
do sth against the law | zrobić coś wbrew prawu | |
win/ do sth against all odds | dokonać czegoś wbrew wszelkim przeciwnościom | |
go against one's principles | zrobić coś wbrew czyimś zasadom | |
do sth/ go against sb's advice | zrobić coś wbrew czyjejś radzie | |
track | follow | |
gauge | namierzyć, locate | |
intrusive | inwazyjny | |
accuracy | precision | |
survillence | inwigilacja | |
capacity | wydajność | |
GPS | global positioning system | |
face recognition software | system rozpoznawania twarzy | |
automatic number plate recognition | rozpoznawanie rejestracji auta | |
trafficmaster | wykrywać korków | |
mobile phone connection data | info o połączeniach telefonicznych | |
cash machine usage & electronic cash transaction data | bankomat & info o transakcjach pieniężnych | |