wordki.pl - nauka słówek
English Inventions
autor: Kuch
warfaredziałania wojenne
go bangeksplodować
brain tumoursan ​abnormal ​growth of ​tissue in the ​brain or ​spinal ​canal
counterpartsomeone or something that has the same job or position as someone or something in a different place
fossil fuela fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground
taxpayera person who pays tax
courtesy ofza zgodą
subsidymoney given by a government or other organization to pay part of the cost of something
waste storagewhen you put waste(odpady) in speciall place
initiallyat the beginning
obeseextremely fat
candid cameraukryta kamera
doubtlessbez wątpienia
devoted topoświęcone (czemuś)
plantsiedziba czegoś
transformedto change something completely, usually to improve it
revolutionisedto ​completely ​change something so that it is much ​better:
enhancedto improve something
alteredto change
have a beneficial effects onmieć korzystny wpływ na
have a detrimental effects onmieć szkodliwy wpływ na
distortedto change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange
damageharm or injury
communicate via the internetkomunikacja przez internet
ring pulla ​metal ​ring that must be ​lifted to ​open a ​closed ​metal ​container
bottle capa ​circular ​piece of ​metal used to ​close a ​bottle of ​beer or a ​fizzy ​drink
breakthroughan important discovery or development that helps solve a problem
trade-offa situation where you accept something bad in order to have something good
breakdownswhen something such as communication or a relationship fails or ends
outcomethe final result of an activity or process
downsidethe disadvantage of a situation
long-life batteriesbaterie o przedłużonej trwałości
high-deffinition TVwysokojakościowy telewizor
pokcet-sized camcordermała kamera
voice-activated dictaphonedyktafon aktywowany głosem
water-proof watchwodoodporny zegarek
built-in dishwasherzmywarka do zabudowy
hand-held GPS systemporęczny GPS
eco-friendly detergentdetergent eko
solar-powered torchlatarka na baterie słoneczne
energy-efficient light bulbżarówka energooszczędna
making its debutfirst arriving
boomingincreasing and becoming very successful
take over fromreplace
courtesy ofgiven by
have devastating effect onbe extremely destructive
frowned upondisliked
to be numberedlimited
wake up to sth.start to realise and understand sth.
filed a lawsuit againstwytoczyć oskarżenie przeciwko...
widelyincluding a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc
offendersomeone who has committed a crime
warfarefighting in a war, especially using a particular type of weapon
bodily harmkrzywda cielesna
innovationsnowatorstwo, wprowadzanie zmian
avaliabledostępny, mający czas wolny
increasewzrost, przyrost
supporterpoplecznik, zwolennik
footprintznak, ślad
developrozwijać, rosnąć
guessdomyślać się
ultimateszczyt (np. głupoty)
lawsuitpozew sądowy
resistanceopór, sprzeciw
replacementzmiana, zastąpienie
trade-offcompromise or balance between two things
outlookexpectation of what will happened
outcamethe result of sth.
downsidedisadvantage or weaknes