widely | szeroko |
offender | winowajca |
warfare | działania wojenne |
go bang | eksplodować |
underweight | niedowaga |
brain tumours | an abnormal growth of tissue in the brain or spinal canal |
counterpart | someone or something that has the same job or position as someone or something in a different place |
fossil fuel | a fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground |
taxpayer | a person who pays tax |
courtesy of | za zgodą |
subsidy | money given by a government or other organization to pay part of the cost of something |
waste storage | when you put waste(odpady) in speciall place |
initially | at the beginning |
obese | extremely fat |
candid camera | ukryta kamera |
doubtless | bez wątpienia |
devoted to | poświęcone (czemuś) |
plant | siedziba czegoś |
transformed | to change something completely, usually to improve it |
revolutionised | to completely change something so that it is much better: |
enhanced | to improve something |
altered | to change |
have a beneficial effects on | mieć korzystny wpływ na |
have a detrimental effects on | mieć szkodliwy wpływ na |
distorted | to change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange |
damage | harm or injury |
communicate via the internet | komunikacja przez internet |
ring pull | a metal ring that must be lifted to open a closed metal container |
bottle cap | a circular piece of metal used to close a bottle of beer or a fizzy drink |
breakthrough | an important discovery or development that helps solve a problem |
trade-off | a situation where you accept something bad in order to have something good |
breakdowns | when something such as communication or a relationship fails or ends |
outcome | the final result of an activity or process |
downside | the disadvantage of a situation |
long-life batteries | baterie o przedłużonej trwałości |
high-deffinition TV | wysokojakościowy telewizor |
pokcet-sized camcorder | mała kamera |
voice-activated dictaphone | dyktafon aktywowany głosem |
water-proof watch | wodoodporny zegarek |
built-in dishwasher | zmywarka do zabudowy |
hand-held GPS system | poręczny GPS |
eco-friendly detergent | detergent eko |
solar-powered torch | latarka na baterie słoneczne |
energy-efficient light bulb | żarówka energooszczędna |
making its debut | first arriving |
booming | increasing and becoming very successful |
take over from | replace |
courtesy of | given by |
have devastating effect on | be extremely destructive |
frowned upon | disliked |
to be numbered | limited |
wake up to sth. | start to realise and understand sth. |
filed a lawsuit against | wytoczyć oskarżenie przeciwko... |
widely | including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc |
offender | someone who has committed a crime |
warfare | fighting in a war, especially using a particular type of weapon |
bodily harm | krzywda cielesna |
innovations | nowatorstwo, wprowadzanie zmian |
survey | ankieta |
avaliable | dostępny, mający czas wolny |
increase | wzrost, przyrost |
devastate | dewastować |
supporter | poplecznik, zwolennik |
footprint | znak, ślad |
out-voted | przegłosować |
develop | rozwijać, rosnąć |
debut | debiut |
accuse | oskarżać |
carefree | beztroski |
guess | domyślać się |
ultimate | szczyt (np. głupoty) |
lawsuit | pozew sądowy |
resistance | opór, sprzeciw |
replacement | zmiana, zastąpienie |
trade-off | compromise or balance between two things |
outlook | expectation of what will happened |
outcame | the result of sth. |
downside | disadvantage or weaknes |