deposit | kaucja (ale już nie zastaw) |
interest-free | bez oprocentowania |
pay interest | płacić prowizje? |
put a strain on | mieć problem |
booth | stanowisko |
flea market | pchli targ |
craft | rzemiosło |
listed on the stock exchange | notowany na giełdzie |
to issue shares | emitować akcje |
temping agency | agencja pracy tymczasowej |
outstanding | zaległy |
invoice | faktura |
dilligent | sumienny |
due dilligent | należyta staranność |
to issue an invoice | wystawić fakturę |
repayments | the amount of money you pay back each month |
cash flow | moneycoming into and out of your business |
security | an item you agree to give if you fail to pay |
guarantor | a person who takes responsibility if you fail to pay |
interest-free | debt which you pay back without any additional charge |
matching funds | money you provide alongside government funding |
mointenance | thecost of keepin something working |
weed out | wyplenić (np. chwasty) [=eliminate] |
draw up | sporządzać |