wordki.pl - nauka słówek
6.2 New Business
autor: nejcik
depositkaucja (ale już nie zastaw)
interest-freebez oprocentowania
pay interestpłacić prowizje?
put a strain onmieć problem
flea marketpchli targ
listed on the stock exchangenotowany na giełdzie
to issue sharesemitować akcje
temping agencyagencja pracy tymczasowej
due dilligentnależyta staranność
to issue an invoicewystawić fakturę
repaymentsthe amount of money you pay back each month
cash flowmoneycoming into and out of your business
securityan item you agree to give if you fail to pay
guarantora person who takes responsibility if you fail to pay
interest-freedebt which you pay back without any additional charge
matching fundsmoney you provide alongside government funding
mointenancethecost of keepin something working
weed outwyplenić (np. chwasty) [=eliminate]
draw upsporządzać