number is mathematical object and numberal is notational symbol representing a number | what is difference between number a numeral? |
counting measuring labelling ordering coding | what functions does numeral have? |
take two input and produce single output number | what is meant by binary operation? |
with capital letter z | how are integers represented in the number system? |
counting ordering naming | what is the 3 main function of natural numbers? |
ther is no universal agreement about whether to include zero in the set od natural numbers | does zero belong to natural numbers? |
closure under addition and multiplication, commutativity, distributivity, never use zero divisors | what algebraic properties do natural number have? |
all natural numbers together with non-negatives of non-zero natural numbers | what are integers? |
are embedded in the field of rational numbers, are broader term referring to all integers | what is difference between rational integers and algebraic integers? |
every integer is a rational number | what is the relantionship between rational numbers and integers? |
is either repeating or terminating | what is the decimal expansion of a rational number? |
irrational numbers cannot be expressed as fractions | what is difference between rational and irrational numbers? |
because it encompresses all rational numbers, irrational and transcendental | why is a real number defined as a quantity along a continuous line? |
they constitute an ordered field, have the least upper bound property | what are 2 basic properties of real numbers? |