portmanteau | zarażenie |
malicious | złośliwy |
to infiltrate | infiltrować |
without the owner's informed consent | bez świadomej zgody właściciela |
hostile | wrogi, złośliwy |
intruisive | niepożądany |
unfamiliar | niezaznajomiony |
based on the intent of the creator | na podstawie intencji twórcy |
harmless | nieszkodliwe |
merely | irytujące |
perpetrator | sprawca |
widespread | szerokorozprzestrzenione |
chieflt | głównie |
strictly | przede wszystkim |
malicious | złośliwy |
exploitation | eksploatacja |
strictly | wyłącznie |
unsolicited | dobrowolny |
spread | rozprzestrzeniać się |
exploiting | wykorzystywać |
uncommon | nie jest rzadkim |
for the manner | w sposób |
payload | instrukcje |
commonly | typowo |
to serve | aby służyć |
longer-term | jeszcze dłużej |
conceal | ukrywać |
directly | bezpośrednio |
concealment | procedura ukrywania |
prank | żart |
software | oprogramowanie |
bypass | obchodzić |
authenticate | uznać, uwierzytelniać |
hostile | wrogi |
broadband | szerokopasmowy |
software | In the laboratory our scientists use specialized ..... to solve mathematical problems. |
prank | What is the best ..... you have ever played on anyone? |
perpetrator | The ...... of that awful crime was sentenced to death. |
infiltrate | A police officer managed to get into and ..... the gang of arms dealers. |
hostile | The reporter found himself in the middle of the ..... crowd of Anti-Muslims protestors. |
bypass | Is there a way to ..... the official procedures? |
authenticate | The gun expert ..... the rifle as real 19th century Winchester. |
concealed | The microphone was ..... in a vase. |
peer-to-peer | A software engineer measured traffic through the ports used by well-known ..... networks. |
broadband | Our government promised to install ..... internet in every single household |
backdoor | an undocumented way of gaining access to a program, online service or an entire computer system |
payload | the term used to describe the malicious activity that is the result of an activated computer virus |
rootkit | a type of malicious software that is activated each time your system boots up |
cracker | someone who breaks into someone else's computer system |
code | a set of symbols for representing something (for example ASCII) |
portmanteau | a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from blending two or more distinct forms |
trojan | a destructive program that masquerades as a being application, unlike viruses, they do not replicate |
worm | a program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network & performs malicious actions |
cyberdefense | defense against internet attack |
hacktivism | combination of words "hack(er)" and "activism" |
mainframe | computer used by large companies for critical operations like financial transaction processing |
bot | a program used on the Internet that performs a repetitive function such as post messagetomultiplegro |
botnet | a collection of software robots or bots linked and cooperating with each other |
Denial of Service | a kind of cyber attack which results in unavailability of service |
the specter | widmo |
hype | szum medialny |
properly assess | właściwie ocenić |
varying | różnica |
struggle | borykać się |
disruption | zakłócenie |
harassment | niepokojenie |
testimony | świadectwo |
to be in a state | być w stanie |
originating | pochodzący |
considered | uznane |
maze | labirynt |
officials | władze |
troop | oddział wojska |
aviation | lotnicze |
affilation | przynależność |
effort | wysiłek |
strictly for-profit category of malware | rodzaj malware wyłącznie dla zysku |
packaged with user-installed software | pakowane w oprogramowanie instalowane przez użytkownika |
defeating the intentions of attackers | niezgodnie z intencjami atakujących |
hidden from the user | ukryte przed użytkownikiem |