wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ljasinski
for instancefor example - na przykład
validit means that it's accepted by the officials for eg documents - ważny
at the cost of the supplierthe supplier covers the cost of the delivery - na koszt dostawcy
build upis to create to establish - stworzyć
spring upis to appear suddenly - pojawić się nagle
lack of experienceinexperience - brak doświadczenia
collapseis to stop existing - upadek firmy, upadać, zawalać się
to be reluctant to sthhaving no will to do sth - być opornym do czegoś
entrepreneuris a person who has or runs a business - przedsiębiorca
interest ratethe percentage that a bank charges or pays clients -
upgradeis to improve sth, to get a newer version - aktualizować, ustrawniać, modernizować
unleash the demand for sthis to make that people want sth/the product - wywołać popyt na coś
take charge of sthis to take control and become responsible for sth - przejąć dowodzenie/władzę nad czymś
commoditysth that can be sold and bought - towar
repayto give back sb or bank the money which someone borrowed - spłacać
marketera person or company which one introduces a new product or service