dos and don'ts | things that you must/should do and not to do | |
off and on/on and off | for short time but not regularly | |
peace and quiet | when everything is quiet and calm | |
pros and cons | the advantages and disadantagesof sth | |
leaps and bounds | really fast | |
rough and ready | do sth quickly and without preparing it carefully, not perfect but good enough to use | |
on and on | for a long time without stopping | |
sick and tired | to be annoyed and bored with a person or situation | |
through and through | całkowicie, w całej okazałości | |
give and take | compromise | |
ups and downs | the mixture of good and bad things that happen | |
now and then | sometimes, from time to time | |
sooner or later | eventually, ostatecznie | |
take it or live | the after won;t change, zdecyduj się | |
sink or swim | fail or succeed | |
give or take | to within ( a small amount) +/- | |
all or nothing | risking everything | |
life or death | eremely important | |
hit or miss | unplanned (chybił trafił) | |
one way or another | somehow | |
gripping | trzymający w napięciu | |
fast-paced | w szybkim tempie | |
electifying | elektryzujący | |
horrific, creepy, chilling | przerażający | |
poignant | wzruszający | |
awesome | extremly good | |
unforgettable, brillant | niezapomniany | |