wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Virginia, UNIT 10, zadanie 14
autor: Upstream
one good turn deserves anotherIf someone does you a favor, you should do a favor for that person in return.
least said soonest mendedsomething that you say which means a bad event or situation can be forgotten more easily if you do n
the end justifies the meansYou can use bad or immoral methods as long as you accomplish something good by using them
many hands make light workIf everyone helps with a large task, it will get done easily and quickly
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boysomething that you say which means people who work all the time become boring
spare the rod and spoil the childYou should punish a child when he or she misbehaves, because if you do not, the child will grow up e
a friend in need is a friend indeedA true friend offers help when one needs it most.
there's no smoke without firesomething that you say which means that if people are saying that someone has done something bad but
two wrongs don't make a rightzemsta nic nie daje
once bitten twice shyWhen something or someone has hurt you once, you tend to avoid that thing or person