wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Emika
too oldpast it
having a boring life that doesn't changestruck in
put(in a careless way)dumped
flyingjetting off
like a mad thingwildly
change,transformturn into
gradually become an adultgrow up
do sth without interruptionget on with
can be explained bycome down to
arrive at situation unintentionallyend up
couse a particular type of behaviour in sbdbring out
hurry out of a place in a temperstorm out
speak rudely to sbd in authorityanswer back
to move silently and secretivelyslink
to run awaybolt
the sheets on the bedlinen
a type of grain, like wheatrye
apparently, on the surfaceostensibly
old French currencyfrancs
in a ordinary, everyday wayprosaically
a person who sells vegetablesgreengrocer
he makes and/or sells breadbarber
he sells tobaccotobacconist
he washes clothesloundress
decay and fall apartrot
become worsedeteriorate
sit or fall down heavilyslumped
flow quicklypouring
climb or move with difficultyclamber
cry noisilysob
blow air into sthinflate
become tired and weakflag
pull with difficultyhaul
take hold of sth suddenly or roughlygrab
move slowly with the sea currents or windsdrift