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Special Introductory Verbs
Agree to inf / that | Zgodzić się | |
Demand to inf | Żądać | |
Offer to inf | Oferować | |
Promise to inf / that | Obiecać | |
Refuse to inf | Odmówić | |
Threaten to inf | Grozić | |
Claim to inf / that | Przyznać, stwierdzic | |
Advise sb to inf | Poradzić | |
Allow sb to inf | Pozwolić | |
Ask sb to inf | Prosić | |
Beg sb to inf | Błagać | |
Command sb to inf | Rozkazać | |
Encourage sb to inf | Zachęcić | |
Forbid sb to inf | Zakazać | |
Instruct sb to inf | Poinstruować | |
Invite sb to inf | Zaprosić | |
Order sb to inf | Nakazać | |
Permit sb to inf | Przyzwolić | |
Remind sb to inf | Przypomnieć | |
Urge sb to inf | Nakłaniać | |
Warn sb to inf | Ostrzec | |
Want sb to inf | Chcieć | |
Accuse sb of ing | Oskarżyć | |
Apologise for ing | Przepraszać | |
Admit (to) ing | Przyznać | |
Boast about ing | Chwalić się | |
Complain to sb about ing | Narzekać | |
Deny ing / that | Zaprzeczyć | |
Insist on ing | Nalegać | |
Suggest ing form | Zaproponować (let's) | |
Boast that | Chwalić się że | |
Complain that | Skarżyć | |
Exclaim that | Wykrzyknąć | |
Inform sb that | Poinformować | |
Suggest that | Zaproponować (should) | |
Explain to sb how / that | Wyjaśnić | |
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