abandon | to leave, to quit |
abruptly | harply, rapidly |
absorbed | occupied, busy, worried |
accelerate | to move faster |
according to | as someone states, in somebody's opinion |
accurate | exact, precise |
accusation | a statement that someone did something wrong |
accuse | a person who is supposedto have commited a crime |
accustom | to get used to something |
accustomed | use to something |
ackonowledge | to accept, to admit, to accept someone's authority of right |
actually | really, in fact |
acute | sharp, shrill |
addictive | making one addicted easily |
additive | a substance which is added |
adjust | to make something such as quantity or fous dostosować. |
advisedly | if the word is used advisedly - celowo, rozmyślnie. |
affection | a strong positive emotion, love |
agitation | a state of being anxious or upset podniecenie, niepokój, agitacja. |
alarmed | anxious, nervous, worried |
all-around | gifted or talented in diffrent fields |
allergic | suffering an allergy |
aloof | reserved, not involoved ,unfriendly powściągliwy, trzymający się z dala, pełen rezerwy |
alliteration | change, rebuilding zmiana przeróbka, przebudowa |
ambiguity | lack of clearness, confusion, niejasność, dwuznaczność |
ambiguous | unclear, weird |
anniversary | a day on which something such as birth, wedding, death, |
announce | to state something in public, to make something know officialy |
antenna | an organ of an insect |
appaling | awful, terible, shocking, przerażający, okropny, zatrważający |
appeal | to attract someone, to appear interesting - podobać się, przemawiać do |
applaud | to express approval or enjoyment przyklaskiwać, wyrażać aprobatę |
apprehend | to catch, to understand, ująć, pojmać, pojmować, rozumieć |
apprentice | a student, especially of practical skills - uczeń, czeladnik |
approchable | possible to reach, easy to communicate with - dostępny, przystępny |
appropriate | suitable for a given person, situation odpowiedni, stosowny, właściwy |
arguable | making people discuss or disagree dyskusyjny, sporny |
armful | a quantity of sth you can carry in |