wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: cea1990
abandonto leave, to quit
abruptlyharply, rapidly
absorbedoccupied, busy, worried
accelerateto move faster
according toas someone states, in somebody's opinion
accurateexact, precise
accusationa statement that someone did something wrong
accusea person who is supposedto have commited a crime
accustomto get used to something
accustomeduse to something
ackonowledgeto accept, to admit, to accept someone's authority of right
actuallyreally, in fact
acutesharp, shrill
addictivemaking one addicted easily
additivea substance which is added
adjustto make something such as quantity or fous dostosować.
advisedlyif the word is used advisedly - celowo, rozmyślnie.
affectiona strong positive emotion, love
agitationa state of being anxious or upset podniecenie, niepokój, agitacja.
alarmedanxious, nervous, worried
all-aroundgifted or talented in diffrent fields
allergicsuffering an allergy
aloofreserved, not involoved ,unfriendly powściągliwy, trzymający się z dala, pełen rezerwy
alliterationchange, rebuilding zmiana przeróbka, przebudowa
ambiguitylack of clearness, confusion, niejasność, dwuznaczność
ambiguousunclear, weird
anniversarya day on which something such as birth, wedding, death,
announceto state something in public, to make something know officialy
antennaan organ of an insect
appalingawful, terible, shocking, przerażający, okropny, zatrważający
appealto attract someone, to appear interesting - podobać się, przemawiać do
applaudto express approval or enjoyment przyklaskiwać, wyrażać aprobatę
apprehendto catch, to understand, ująć, pojmać, pojmować, rozumieć
apprenticea student, especially of practical skills - uczeń, czeladnik
approchablepossible to reach, easy to communicate with - dostępny, przystępny
appropriatesuitable for a given person, situation odpowiedni, stosowny, właściwy
arguablemaking people discuss or disagree dyskusyjny, sporny
armfula quantity of sth you can carry in