wordki.pl - nauka słówek
rosłówka 16
worthwhilea good thing to do
demandingneeding all our effort and attention
challengingdifficult and enjoyable
funlively and enjoyable
glamorouslooks attractive
routinepredictable the same every day
depressingmake us feel unhappy
varieddifferent not always the same
stressfulmakes us feel worried an anxious
rewardingmake us feel good
extravagancesomething that is expensive or wasteful
creativitythe ability to produce something using imagination or artstic skills
professionalisma high standard or skill and behaviour
rapportfriendly understanding
innovationnew ideas or methods
reputationthe views generally held about somebody or something
principlesstrong beliefs that influence actions
traditiona way of doing something that`s existed for long time