multitasking | wielozadaniowość | |
to boast | chwalić się (to be proud of sth) | |
to take sb for granted | oczekiwać od kogoś pomocy za nic, cenić kogoś zbyt nisko | |
to take on | zatrudnić (to employ) | |
to grow up | dorosnąć (to become mature) | |
rural | wiejski | |
to blame | obwiniać (to hold responsibility) | |
to fight for equal rights | (to fight for the same rights) | |
autobiographical | (based on sb's experience) | |
several | kilka (a few) | |
bothered | zaniepokojony (worried) | |
likely (to) | prawdopodobnie (probably, possibly) | |
to settle remote planets | (to start living on a far planets) | |
to accomplish | ukończyć (to complete, finish) | |
to adjust to | dostosować (to change sth so that it fits) | |
responsibility | duty | |
horrified at | przerażony (shocked, frightened) | |
to sustain sth at the same rate | utrzymywac na tym samym poziomie (to keep at the same level) | |
spouse | małżonek (a member of a married pair; sb's wife or husband) | |
to share social and cultural values | dzielić się ... wartościami | |
accustomed to | zżyty, przyzwyczajony (addicted, in the habit) | |
monogamy | monogamia (marriage with only 1 person) | |
far-fetched | naciągany (unrealistic, not close) | |
extinct | no longer in existence; it'll disapear | |
extinction | zagłada, wyginięcie | |
bring back | przypomnieć, zwrócić (to remind, to give back) | |
bring about | doprowadzić, powodować (to make, to cause) | |
bring up | wychować;wymiotować (to raise;to vomit) | |
bring round | przekonywać;cucić (to persuade;to revive) | |
bring in | wprowadzić, wnieść (to lead in, to introduce) | |
bring down | obniżyć, zredukować (to reduce, to cut) | |
LAY - LAID - LAID | kłaść | |
LIE - LIED - LIED | kłamać | |
LIE - LAY - LAIN | leżeć | |