i'll cook a good meal now | teraz ugotuje smaczny posilek |
i'll lay the table | nakryje stol |
it'll be my special dish | to bedzie moje specjalne danie |
what will be the main course | jakie bedzie danie glowne |
what's for dinner | co jest na obiad? |
i'd like fried rice please | poprosze o smazony ryz |
the same for me | dla mnie to samo |
was that your surprise | czy to byla twoja niespodzianka? |
dinner's being served | obiad podano |
there isn't any | nie ma ani troche |
that's too much | to za duzo |
what will you do | co zrobisz |
we will cook dinner tonight | dzis wieczorem ugotujemy obiad |
it's almost ready | prawie gotowe |