wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Ola1994
absenteeismthe fact or habit of frequently being away from work or school usually without a good reason
after salestaking place after a sale
appraisala careful judgment of how the employee is doing and how she can improve
appranticeshipa period of time spend with a person who has a particular skill in order to learn the skill
backloga large amount of aomething or a large number of things that have accumulated and that must be deal
biddera person who offer to pay a particular amount of money for an item
briefto give someone information that they need or instructions before they do or deal with something
bulka large quantity of something packaged to save money on individual items
capacitythe level of production in a factory or industry and the quantity of things that are produced
ceilinga official upper limit on process and wages decided by the government or an organization
commissiona sum of money paid to a salesman for every sale that he makes
concessionsspecial rights or privileges that are given to someone
credentialsperson's previous achivements, training and general background that indicate that the person is qual
cut-throatbehavior in which people want the same thing and do not care if they harm each other in getting it