death toll | żniwo śmierci | |
mortality | śmiertelność | |
set off | start a journey | |
entreprenour | przedsiębiorca | |
a new lease of life | nowy powiew życia | |
shelf life | okres trwałości | |
a mere | nędzny mierny | |
inevitable | nieuniknione | |
purley | czysto | |
crime rates | przestępczość | |
rates | statystyki | |
deter | odstraszyć = put off | |
put off | przełożyć | |
strained | nadwyrężony | |
stem from | wyrastać z | |
resources | zasoby | |
stem from sth | sth results in problems | |
pose a question | postawić pytanie | |
sedentary | osiedli | |
put off | postpone | |
rub off | remove | |
laugh off brush off cut off | reject or dissmiss 3 | |
call od | odwołać | |
fight off | resist | |
eases off | become less | |
make off | depart | |
deterrant | odstraszać | |
state | państwo | |
severe | ciężko ciężka | |
racial | rasowa | |
be familiar with | zaznajomiony | |
physicist | fizyk | |
eventually | finally | |
to be in favour of | być za | |
fend off | odeprzeć nie przyjąć | |
breathe life into | tchnąć życie w | |
benefit from | odnosić korzyści | |
demographics | demografia | |
every walk of life | ze środowiska | |
to condemn | potępiać skazywać | |
prime of life | w kwiecie wieku | |
endless | nieskończony | |
evolve | changing gradually | |
wear off | przemijać | |
milestone in life | komień milowy w życiu | |
bucket list | list with things you want to do before you die | |
kick the bucket | die | |
uncover | reveal | |
discover | find | |
shrug off | neglect = zlekcewarzyć | |
finite | skończony | |
time flies | czas płynie | |
lucky escape | narrow escape= close shive = było blisko | |
lucky break | winning sth | |
fall out with | pokłócić się | |
for every one | to go around | |
be taken by | be fooled | |
of | approve | |
brought about | caused | |
take after parents | mieć po rodzicach | |
past before past | not until past perf did past | |
heard over | usłyszany | |
Only on party does he | He only drinks on party | |
Good though he is | Although he is good | |
bring about | spowodować | |
bring out | punlikować | |