wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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bicameralcomposed of two branches
bicentenniala 200th anniversary
bicuspida tooth
bigamydwie zony
bilateralhaving or involving two sides
bilingualable to use two languages
bipartisansupported by two parties
bipeda two-footed animal
biscuita quick bread; twice-cooked or baked
bisectto cut in two
bivalvea mollusk, clam
autobioghraphyan account of one's life written by that person
biodegradablecapable of being broken down by living microorganisms
biofeedbacka technique for consciously regulating a life function
biographya written account of someone's life
biologythe study of plant and animal life
biopsya seeing of live tissues
biospherethe part of the earth
symbiosisthe living together in close union of two organisms
symbioticliving together in a close relationship
antecedeto come go or exist before
antecedentone that goes before another
exceedto excend beyond or outside
intercedeto plead on another's behalf
precedeto come go or exist before
precedentan occurence that is used as an example in dealing with similar instances at a later time
proceedto continue
recedeto move back or away from
retrocedeto give back, return
secedeto withdraw form an organisation
succeedto come after time or order/to have a favurable result
anachronismanything out of its proper historical time
chroniccontinuing for a long time
chroniclean account of events arranged in order of time
chronologicalarranged in order of time
chronologya list of events according to the time
chronometeran instrument for measuring time
synchronizeto cause to keep time in unison, like watches
issuesubject/problem to solve
rough sb upattack sb by hitting them
strong as an oxvery powerful
psychoticsuffering from mental disorder
fit as a fiddlein excellent health
can't standcan't endure sth
in no timevery soon
retrieverecover/get back
apparentlyevidently, clearly
blackmailto exort money from sb
be about to do sthsth will happen very soon
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