wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Inżynieria Biomedyczna 3
actuatora device that makes a machine work
to replaceto substitute
the environmentsurroundings
externalcoming from the outside
exoskeletonthe external skeleton that supports and protects the body
jointa place in a body where two bones are connected
human amplifierassistive device
torquea force that causes something to rotate
algorithma set of mathematical instructions
hapticrelating to the sense of touch
physiotherapythe treatment of muscles
affordablenot expensive
HULCHuman Universal Load Carrier
scaled-downreduced in size
to conveyto communicate
paraplegicunable to move
a crutcha stick that you lean for support if you have difficulty in walking
a strapa belt
to rekindleto make someone have a feeling that he had in the past
spinal cordthe set of nerves inside the spine
to enhanceto improve strength
a contraptiona device
to quatto position yourself close to the ground
to crawlto move with your body stretched out along the ground
to augmentto increase the size
effectora body part that reacts to a stimulus